
Research with Canada and the Nordic countries on cod larvae

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Matís employees are involved in an extensive research project in co-operation between the Nordic countries and Canadians, with the aim of increasing the quality of juveniles produced in cod farming.

The project is funded by Canadian parties and the Nordic part of it by NORA, the Nordisk Atlantsamarbejde fund. From Iceland, Rannveig Björnsdóttir at Matís and the University of Akureyri work on the project, as well as Ragnar Jóhannsson, Anna Kristín Daníelsdóttir and other parties at Matís, and Agnar Steinarsson at the Marine Research Institute.

There are high hopes for cod farming, both in Iceland and in the other Nordic countries and in Canada. In Iceland, Matís has been involved in research projects in cod farming with the parties that are working on this young branch, and with this, knowledge has been built up on various aspects of farming within Matís. A large part of this research has been carried out by Rannveiga Björnsdóttir at Matís' office in Akureyri. Rannveig and her group have placed special emphasis on research in the early stages of farming, ie. the larval stage, where the most losses occur.

In the COD-Atlantic project, the larval stage is specifically examined. The aim is to gain a better understanding of how composition in food affects the growth process of cod larvae and their health. In other words, look for the food composition that gives the larvae the most life expectancy. Another aspect of the COD-Atlantic project as a whole is to increase the growth rate of cod in aquaculture by streamlining feeding. It is important for the development of cod farming to master as soon as possible major factors that affect the efficiency of farming. Proper feeding and reduced juvenile mortality are important.

For further information Rannveig Björnsdóttir.