The Association of Icelandic Biotechnology Companies and the Confederation of Icelandic Industries hold a seminar on genetic engineering, usability and opportunities for job creation.
Grand Hotel Reykjavík April 27 at 9.00 - 12.00
The meeting is open and admission is free. Registration on
The beginnings of genetic engineering - Guðmundur Eggertsson, University of Iceland
Past, present and future plant breeding Áslaug Helgadóttir, Agricultural University of Iceland
Genetic engineering in food production - Helga M. Pálsdóttir, Matvælastofnun
Genetic engineering in pharmaceutical production - Einar Mäntylä, ORF Biotechnology
Genetic engineering as a research tool - Ólafur S. Andrésson, University of Iceland
Genetic engineering and the environment - Arnar Pálsson, University of Iceland
Moderator: Þorsteinn G. Gunnarsson, KOM public relations