
Rules for the use of the Matís logo on food packaging

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There has been a growing trend for companies and individuals who produce, distribute and sell food to collaborate with Matís. It is important that the use of the Matís logo (logos) and other aspects related to Matís is within the framework of the collaboration.

Matís authorizes the use of the logo if the following conditions are met:

  • Matís has been contacted and the use has been approved for the product and packaging in question
  • The Matís label is published with nutritional value labeling or within the framework for such labeling
  • The labeling of nutritional value is in accordance with current regulations and has been prepared or reviewed by Matís
  • All markings on the product's packaging are in accordance with current regulations and Matís has had them inspected in the final version for printing (test copy)

It is possible to allow the following text under nutrition labeling: Matís has studied the nutritional value of the product. Website ( may appear in connection with the Matís logo or information about Matís.

Information on how to obtain the correct version of the Matís logo can be obtained from Matís employees and on the company's website,