
Matís' transport agreement draws attention

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Matís offers its employees a transport contract which means that they are paid to use environmentally friendly means of transport on their way to and from work.

This spring, Matís employees were given the opportunity to sign a transport contract and receive payment from the company for walking, cycling or taking buses to and from work. The company pays the same amount as the bus pass costs per month, whether the employee uses a bus or chooses another environmentally friendly mode of transport.

"The project just went really well. There were many more people involved in this than we expected. About 100 people work at Matís and about 45 people participated, so this is just a very good participation rate," said Jón Haukur Arnarsson, human resources manager at Matís.

Jón says that the benefits for the company are various, although the direct financial benefits may not be obvious.
"The main benefit is happy staff, and it manifests itself in many ways, for example, it saves time for people, they have taken out their gym and don't have to go to a gym after they get home." Many studies have shown that the number of sick days decreases with health promotion, and that is of course a direct benefit for the company," said Jón Haukur.

Jón Haukur says that transport contracts will continue to be offered at Matís, but the idea originally came from the Ministry for the Environment. Information was received there that since then many other ministries and government agencies have adopted the same approach.

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For further information Jón Haukur Arnarsson.