
A partner is wanted in Akureyri

Service Category:


In Borgir in Akureyri, Matís rents premises and would like to offer exciting partners to rent part of that space for their operations.

The accommodation available is a total of 24.4 sqm in size and is a specially designed laboratory with a window for the entire short side, two openable window frames, fume cupboard, large sink, benches on all walls, cabinet under the sink table and gas pipes (various types of gas used in the house and can be linked to them).

Borgir has a number of progressive companies and institutions, such as the Icelandic Innovation Center (IMPRA), the National Energy Authority and the University of Akureyri. There are therefore great opportunities in collaboration and synergies for forward-looking knowledge companies in this environment of interdisciplinary knowledge.

Here you can see some pictures of the premises, but there is also the possibility of renting office space.

Housing for rent in Borgir, Akureyri
Housing for rent in Borgir, Akureyri
Housing for rent in Borgir, Akureyri
Housing for rent in Borgir, Akureyri
Housing for rent in Borgir, Akureyri
Housing for rent in Borgir, Akureyri
Housing for rent in Borgir, Akureyri
Housing for rent in Borgir, Akureyri

For more information Rannveig Björnsdóttir, Matís' station manager in Akureyri and Oddur Már Gunnarsson, Head of Operations and Business Development at Matís.