
Herring halibut from Margildur has been launched in Iceland

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Valur Norðri Gunnlaugsson

Research Group Leader

Finally, you can get herring halibut from Margildur with a mild orange flavor under the Fisherman brand in the Hagkaup, Frú Lauga and Fisherman fish shop near Hagamel. The latest news is that Lithuania's first order for distribution in the Baltic States is ready for shipment.

Margildi has previously sold herring halibut to the United States and Norway with good reception. In recent years, Fisherman has built up a fun and powerful tourism industry in Suðureyri and now produces fish dishes and various food products under the Fisherman brand.

Margildi's herring oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, D and E and has come out well in consumer testing due to its mild taste, as well as its natural stability. This summer, the herring halibut from Margild received the coveted iTQi "Superior Taste Award"Food Quality Award" where 135 international chefs and foodies agreed that herring halibut was a good food.

Margildi is an entrepreneurial company based in Matís' premises at Vínlandsleið, has developed a new patent-pending processing method, so-called rapid cold cleaning, which makes it possible to process fish oil for human consumption from pelagic species such as capelin, herring and mackerel. Margildi has been working on its innovation for several years in collaboration with numerous parties, including Matís, with grants from AVS, Tækniþróunarsjóður and Uppbyggingarsjóður.

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