
Fun research - do you want to get involved?

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A study on fish products is currently underway, which is a collaborative project between companies and institutions from three countries. Partners in Norway are Nofima, the Culinary Institute, Tank Design and the Norwegian Sea Export Council, in Denmark the Aarhus School of Business, the Department of Market Research and Statistics.

Here in Iceland they are Matís, FYLGIFISKAR, Lýðheilsustöð and Reykjavíkurborg (education and preschool department).

We would love if you could see yourself able to answer the survey. Answers can not be traced to individuals and your name will of course not appear anywhere in the processing of the survey. The survey covers 10 minutes. She has answered online by going to the URL:

Please complete the questionnaire by December 4th.

The person responsible for the survey is Gunnþórunn Einarsdóttir, a specialist at Matís in Iceland and Themis Altintzoglou, a doctoral student at Nofima in Norway. If you have any questions in connection with the survey, you can contact Gunnþórunn or Themis.

Hoping for a good response,
Gunnþórunn Einarsdóttir Themistoklis Altintzoglou
Matís, Iceland Nofima, Norway        

Three winners will be drawn here in Iceland and are 10,000 ISK in prize for each.

Winners will be drawn on Tuesday 15 December and their names will be posted on Matís' page