
SNP genetic marker kit that can be used to analyze the genetic mix of farmed salmon and wild salmon

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Davíð Gíslason

Project Manager

Now it is approx. to launch a very interesting project within Matís. The project concerns the development of an SNP genetic marketing kit that can be used to analyze the genetic mixing of farmed salmon and wild salmon with greater certainty than is currently known in Iceland. It is hoped that the genetic marker kit will be useful for the analysis of genetic engineering beyond the first generation of hybrids.

The genetic marketing kit will also play a key role in the MRI's risk assessment for monitoring genetic engineering and analyzing the long-term effects of genetic engineering on Icelandic salmon stocks.

The project is a collaboration between Matís, the Marine Research Institute, the Marine and Water Research and Consulting Institute and NINA (Norwegian Institute for Natural Research) and is funded by the Environmental Fund for Aquaculture.

More information as the project progresses.