
Strategic agreement between Martak and Matís

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Martak ehf. which specializes in solutions for food processing, especially shrimp processing, and the research company Matís have entered into a framework agreement to strengthen knowledge in the processing of marine products.

This is a strategic framework agreement that aims to increase the utilization of raw materials, extend the life of a manufactured product, increase the utilization of what is generated during production, so-called additional raw materials, and reduce energy and water needs at all stages of production. According to Martaks and Matís, there are great opportunities in improving the current processing processes for the processing of marine products and thus reducing the environmental impact of the production. "As an ambitious company that constantly looks to improve its own production and promote efficiency and utilization of our customers, we consider it very important to have access to the knowledge and professionalism that Matís has," says Stefán Haukur Tryggvason, CEO of Martaks.

Knowledge and production collaboration: Sveinn Margeirsson, CEO of Matís and Stefán Haukur Tryggvason, CEO of Martak, sign a strategic agreement on the companies' collaboration on the development of production solutions that increase efficiency and utilization of raw materials and save energy and water.

In addition, Matís will be on hand for Martaki regarding application writing for technology, science and innovation funds, and Matís will provide advice on, among other things, which funds are most likely to apply to and how best to handle those applications. "For us, it is important to combine knowledge and production to promote development in the food industry. One of our goals is to promote innovation in the food industry and therefore it is invaluable to work with a progressive company in the field of production solutions in the food industry, "says Sveinn Margeisson, CEO of Matís.

Matís is a powerful knowledge company that handles a variety of research, service and innovation in the food and biotechnology industry. Matís provides advice and services to companies in the fisheries and agriculture sectors, as well as the Icelandic state. For example, Matís is involved in the development of new products and processes for companies and has an important role to play in terms of food quality and safety.

Martak ehf. is one of the most powerful export companies in Iceland and a leader in the development and production of solutions and equipment for processing seafood, especially shrimp products. The company employs ambitious staff with extensive experience in solutions for the food industry. The company has two offices, product development, manufacturing, sales and service in Iceland and service and sales in Canada, as well as agents and distributors in the United States and across Europe.

For further information, contact Stefán Haukur Tryggvason at tel. 422-1800 and Sveinn Margeirsson at tel. 422-5000.