
Designers 'and farmers' date - video

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The meeting of designers and farmers is an innovative project of the Iceland Academy of the Arts, in collaboration with Matís, where product designers and farmers are brought together with the aim of developing food products of the highest quality.

The research project was a three-month process that was repeated three times during the period 2008–2011. Ideas from the course were selected for the research project with the aim of delivering to the farmers a mature product that is ready for production at the end of the project.

The research project was based on interdisciplinary collaboration where the design team and the farm work with Matís experts, chefs and Innovit. In the process, a lot of effort is put into creating a strong uniqueness and overall experience for the product.

The products that have been developed in the research part are Rhubarb Caramel Rhubarb (Langamýri á Skeiðum), Sláturtertan for Möðrudalur á Fjöllum, Skyrkonfekt Rjómabúsinn in Erpsstaðir and Rúgbrauðsrúlluterta and rolls for Þórbergssetrið in Hali in Suðursveit. The design directors of the research project were Brynhildur Pálsdóttir and Guðfinna Mjöll Magnúsdóttir. Project manager and responsible person was Sigríður Sigurjónsdóttir, professor of product design.

A video that describes well the involvement of Irek Klonowski at Matís in the project.