
Strengthen Nordic co-operation and increase knowledge of the quality characteristics of fishmeal and fish oil

Fishmeal and fish oil production has traditionally played a major role in Nordic fish processing. The processes have changed little in recent decades, but at the same time the global need for protein, in addition to demands for improved utilization of raw materials, increased product quality and reduction of waste materials, has increased rapidly.

In light of these changes and the situation that has lasted recently. decade, it is necessary to join hands and breathe life into the production of high quality fishmeal and describe the nutritional benefits obvious from the fact that such products were passed on to feed and food chains.

A project is currently underway to strengthen this production, and the Nordic countries have joined forces to set up a so-called Nordic Quality Council for Fishmeal and Oil. e. Nordic Center of Excellence in Fishmeal and Oil. This will strengthen Nordic co-operation and increase knowledge of the quality characteristics of fishmeal and fish oil.

The intention is to bring Nordic fishmeal production and fish oil to the forefront, thus ensuring the supply of safe and quality fishmeal and fish oil for feed and food production.