
Opportunities for the North Atlantic - Matís participates in the NORA conference in Reykjavík

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From 18.-19. May, a conference will be held at the Hilton Reykjavík Nordica Hotel on behalf of the Nordic Atlantic Committee (NORA).

The purpose of this conference is to examine and explore the possibility of co-operation between parties that in one way or another have interests in the North Atlantic. Rannveig Björnsdóttir will give a talk, while Sjöfn Sigurgísladóttir, CEO of Matís, will chair one of the conference seminars.

The agenda of the conference can be found here.

NORA or the Nordic Atlantic Committee is part of the Nordic Council of Ministers and is part of Nordic co-operation in the field of regional affairs and regional co-operation. The Nordic co-operation environment and project-oriented work create NORA's good foundation for cross-border co-operation, based on Nordic goals and values.

NORA's activities are funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers and contribute from the four participating countries, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland and Norway.

The NORA Committee consists of three members from each of the participating countries, and the committee formulates a policy for NORA's activities for several years at a time.

NORA's head office is located in Þórshöfn in the Faroe Islands. In the other member countries, Iceland, Greenland and southern Norway, and western and northern Norway, national offices and contacts operate.

NORA contributes to strengthening co-operation in the North Atlantic area to make it a strong Nordic region, characterized by strong and sustainable development. This is done, among other things, by strengthening co-operation between the business community and research and development activities across borders.

It is therefore NORA's task:

  • to create a political and professional forum for discussion on solutions and policy-making and joint entrepreneurship in the North Atlantic area.
  • to establish and mediate project collaboration
  • to work towards development in accordance with the Nordic goals for sustainability.
  • to develop NORA as an attractive platform for Nordic co-operation with neighboring countries.