
Join hands to promote further utilization of Breiðafjörður's resources and business development in Stykkishólmur

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Stykkishólmsbær, the Irish company Marigot Ltd. which owns Íslenska kalkþörungafélagið á Bíldudalur, and Matís ohf. have signed an agreement that aims to integrate co-operation between these parties in connection with a new project that is currently being prepared. The project involves increased value creation with further utilization of large algae in Breiðafjörður in a new industrial company, Deltagen Iceland ehf., Which plans to build a factory in Stykkishólmur. If these plans are successful, it can be expected that Deltagen Iceland's operations with 15 new full-time jobs will begin in the second half of 2016.

As reported last week, Marigot has bought a 60% share in the processing part of the operations of the innovation company Marinox ehf. which was wholly owned by Matís and two key executives there. This is the part of the company that handles research and processing of valuable raw materials from the sea, seaweed and kelp.

Friðrik Friðriksson, Chairman of the Board of Matís, Sturla Böðvarsson, Mayor of Stykkishólmsbær, and Einar Sveinn Ólafsson, CEO of Íslenska kalkþörungafélag, on behalf of Marigot.

Close co-operation should be considered

With the agreement that Stykkishólmsbær, Marigot and Matís have now signed, the intention is to stimulate integration in cooperation between these parties, among other things to promote new opportunities in the field of education, research and innovation in the municipality based on scientific work and industry needs. If all plans go according to plan, Deltagen Iceland will build and operate a new factory in Stykkishólmur, where high-quality algae kernels will be processed for export, not least on the basis of innovation and extensive knowledge from Matís scientists.

Precautionary principles are the basis of sustainable development

Sustainable utilization of seaweed and algae in Breiðafjörður is the basis for the collaboration. Research indicates that the sustainable return on the resource is considerably higher than the current utilization. The agreement states that precautionary considerations must always be observed in any project that the planned activities will require, as they are the basis for sustainable development in the utilization of organic resources. The main emphasis will be on a scientific approach to the utilization of the resource, with the aim of fully utilizing the raw material with the least possible impact on the environment, while maximizing the regional economic benefits.

We want to take part in further business development

"With the establishment of Deltagen Iceland, Marigot is looking at possible future growth in its operations in Iceland, and if these plans go ahead, the factory in Stykkishólmur will be built explicitly with the goals of the operations in mind. We look to Stykkishólmur due to adequate and necessary infrastructure in the municipality, available labor and proximity to the raw material. This is also a clear sign of Marigot's interest in participating in further business development in Iceland, "says Einar Sveinn Ólafsson, CEO of the Icelandic Lime Algae Association and Marigot's representative in Iceland.

Promotes more diverse employment opportunities

"We welcome this exciting agreement, which aims to create more jobs and increase the diversity of the business community in the area. According to plans, the factory itself would create 15 man-years under full capacity as well as jobs in seaweed mowing and collection, development and technical work as well as other derivative jobs that are an important boon for us in Stykkishólmur in further business development. The city authorities are now working on the necessary planning issues related to the project, which we hope will succeed. The proposed industry would need, among other things, direct access to good port facilities for large cargo ships and to land seaweed from transport barges and ships transporting seaweed from hay barges in Breiðafjörður. We will look into this project with the government, "says Sturla Böðvarsson, mayor of Stykkishólmur.

Fits well with Matís' main role

"We welcome this agreement and look forward to the exciting opportunities that the collaboration will hopefully bring. Matís has historically built a strong reputation in the field of research and innovation in food production and biotechnology. Our approach to Deltagen Iceland's operations will be through the work of Matís scientists, as there is extensive knowledge of underutilized products such as seaweed and kelp. By supporting the innovation of Matís employees in this way, we are promoting the necessary incentives to develop the ideas further and create valuable products and thus strengthen the Icelandic economy. That is in fact one of Matís 'main roles, "says Friðrik Friðriksson, Matís' Chairman of the Board.

For further information, please contact the following parties:

Sturla Böðvarsson, mayor of Stykkishólmsbær, tel. 863 8888, Einar Sveinn Ólafsson, managing director of Íslenska kalkþörungafélag, on behalf of Marigot, tel. 897 0303 and Friðrik Friðriksson, chairman of the board of Matís, tel. 896-7350.