The next conference, the 17th in a row, will be held Borås í Sweden on 11 and 12 May 2017 and is entitled "Making Sense”
The conference is intended for both professionals in the consumer goods industry and scientists in this field. The interest and participation of people from both large and small food companies in attending these conferences has steadily increased in recent years, as it is an ideal forum for industry and scientists to meet and establish a communication network in this field.
The content of the conference this time is dedicated to perception, the interplay of perception such as smell, taste, texture, sight and hearing and how such results are used, among other things, in product development.
Sensory evaluation and sensory evaluation research have long been an important area of expertise at Matís, and the emphasis has increasingly been on consumer research. Matís has participated in many domestic and foreign research projects on sensory evaluation and food quality and held various sensory evaluation courses for employees of fish processing companies and other food companies. Matís' staff has also taught sensory evaluation and consumer studies at the Faculty of Food and Nutrition at the University of Iceland and at Fisheries Science at the University of Akureyri. Matís staff also teaches sensory evaluation United Nations University School of Fisheries (UNU-FTP).
Further information is provided by dr. Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir at Matís.