
Dried kelp sold out of the country

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Among the food companies that have used Matís' expertise is Íslensk bláskel og sjávargróður ehf. in Stykkishólmur.

The company, which was founded in 2007, collects and grows mussels and collects seaweed in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way in several places in Breiðafjörður. "We have had a pleasant collaboration with Matís for several years. There are many very talented scientists with extensive experience that are good to look for, "says Símon Sturluson, one of the owners. He says that it is very important that Matís' knowledge network extends far beyond the rocks so that they do not have the knowledge they need each time, they know where to look for it and can access it.

Following on from the mussel farm, the company has now started experimental exports of dried kelp to Denmark, Norway and Spain. Símon says that the kelp is usually sold dried, as this is by far the best storage method. "The market for kelp products is very large, we consider ourselves to be of high quality and therefore want a good price for our products. That's why we avoid all unnecessary intermediaries and try to sell directly to the restaurants, for example. This is all coming but it happens in the calm heat, "says Símon.