
Two articles from IFL staff in the Journal of Food Science

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The March issue of the Journal of Food Science 2006 contains two articles, mostly written by IFL staff. One deals with maintaining the quality of salted fish in consumer packages after dehydration and the other deals with supercooling of cod fillets.

The author of the article about salted fish is the staff of the Research Department of Rf and it is called "Keeping quality of desalted cod fillets in consumer packs." Its authors are: Hannes Magnússon, Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir, Hélène L. Lauzon, Ása Þorkelsdóttir and Emilía Martinsdóttir and all work, as mentioned above, at the Research Department of Rf.

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The other article is called "Evaluation of shelf life of superchilled cod (Gadus morhua) fillets and the influence of temperature fluctuations during storage on microbial and chemical quality indicators”. The authors are dr. Guðrún Ólafsdóttir, Hélène L. Lauzon and Emilía Martinsdóttir, who all work at the Rf's Research Division, and then Jörg Oehlenschlager and Kristberg Kristbergsson.  

It is worth mentioning that the article was part of Guðrún Ólafsdóttir's doctoral project and Jörg Oehlenschlager and Kristberg Kristbergsson were her supervisors in the project.

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