
A young IFL researcher attracted attention in Nottingham

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From 16.-19. July was the conference The 8th International Conference on the Application of Magnetic Resonance in Food Science held in Nottingham, England. A conference such as this is held every two years and discusses the main innovations in the use of nuclear magnetic technology (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) in food research at any given time. A young female researcher at IFL, María Guðjónsdóttir, was unexpectedly invited to speak at the conference this time.

It was originally planned that María would attend the conference on behalf of IFL and present two projects on posters: "Low field NMR study of the state of water at superchilling and freezing temperatures and the effect of salt on freezing processes of water in cod mince" and "Low field NMR study on seven dry salting methods of cod (Gadus morhua.) She will send a copy of the posters to the conference organizer in May, as required. 

The aforementioned project, however, attracted special attention and was chosen as one of the four most interesting posters of the conference, and on that occasion María was asked to give a short lecture on the results of the study to conference guests. According to María, this was a pleasant surprise and the lecture exceeded expectations.

María is a chemical and physical engineer (Civ. Ing. Kemiteknik med fysik) by education and studied at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden. Her research at IFL focuses on salting, product development, processing properties, water resistance, proteins, light salting.

A further description of the conference can be found at .