Hrunamannahreppur, Íslensk matorka ehf. and Matís ohf. signed yesterday, Thursday 27 May, a declaration of intent for the development of an energy-intensive food industry in Flúðir, which includes hot water farming of white food fish.
The development will be carried out in collaboration with the National Energy Authority, where the agency will provide guidance and advice.
Utilization of geothermal energy and electricity is very important for the economy in Hrunamannahreppur. Warm water farming is based on the utilization of warm water and electricity, in addition to which special attention is paid to sustainability and environmentally friendly production methods. Such a development in the energy-intensive food industry fits well with the utilization plans for energy and geothermal energy, other food industries and food-related tourist services in the municipality.
It is estimated that about two dozen new jobs will be created by the warm water fire itself, in addition to which a number of derivative jobs will follow.
Íslensk matorka ehf specializes in energy-intensive food industry for export. The company's goal is to utilize Icelandic energy in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way, create a basis for new export and employment opportunities and promote innovation and development.
Ragnheiður Inga Þórarinsdóttir from the National Energy Authority, Ragnar Magnússon, head of department
Hrunamannahreppur district committee and Sjöfn Sigurgísladóttir, CEO of Matís.
For further information, please contact Stefanía Katrín Karlsdóttir,, and by phone 862-6519.