
Initial meeting of the Icelandic part of MareFrame

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The inaugural meeting of the Icelandic part of the European project MareFrame will take place on Tuesday 10 June, with the aim of developing a multi-stock fisheries management system within Europe with an emphasis on ecological, sustainable, social and economic management. In addition to co-operation with fishermen, fishing companies and processing as well as other stakeholders involved in fisheries management.

Matís, the University of Iceland and the Marine Research Institute are working together on the Icelandic part of the project, but in addition a number of foreign companies, universities and institutions are participating. The project has received a grant of EUR 6 million and is one of the highest grant projects awarded in Europe. 

The European Union's fisheries policy needs to be reviewed, but three out of four EU fish stocks are overfished today, of which 47% are in the Atlantic and 80% are in the Mediterranean.

The MareFrame project is based on what has been done well in Icelandic fisheries management, including the use of the multi-stock model "Gadget" which was developed by Icelandic participants in the project and is widely used abroad. At the same time, there is more co-operation with those involved in fishing and processing in the fisheries sector as well as other stakeholders in the development of fisheries management systems, which is a key factor in the implementation of the fisheries management system.

In this connection, MareFrame will develop, among other things, a visual interface, computer games and computer-assisted learning techniques to present results and management methods, which are the result of Icelandic research.

The MareFrame project involves a total of 28 institutions, companies and universities in 10 European countries (Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Poland, the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Romania, Norway and Iceland) as well as South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. 

Dr. Anna Kristín Daníelsdóttir, division manager at Matís, is the project manager and dr. Gunnar Stefánsson, professor at the Faculty of Science at the University of Iceland, is the scientific project manager.

The meeting starts with lunch at 12 at Vínlandsleið 12 and the agenda of the meeting will be as follows:

12:30 Lunch Welcome and Goals for the meeting Gunnar Stefánsson, HI

12:45 Overview of the MareFrame project Anna Kristín Daníelsdóttir, Matis Objectives, methodology, expected outputs, website etc.

13:00 Main steps in the case study Guðmundur Þórðarson, Hafró Research, deliverables, milestones and estimated calendar / time frame

13:15 Co-creation Sveinn Agnarsson, HI

  • What is co-creation, why and of what? differences with traditional participatory approach, how and when (approx.)
  • CSs leaders are going to engage with participants, formal and informal communication channels, flow of information, etc.

Coffee break

Intro Jónas R. Viðarsson, Matís

14:15 Group work

  • Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management: The EAF application for their day to day work, projects implemented in the region and research priorities in a policy and social perspective.
  • Management priorities: Priorities identified in the DoW and debate. Are there additional priorities or different ranking needed to be con sidered for the Icelandic case study, and should they be included in the case study? For the priorities agreed as relevant for the case study, dentification of the decision capacity (who will be the actors involved, at which level, etc.).
  • Identification of management issues requiring decision support:(relates to ecological, socioeconomic and governance aspects).

        - conflicting interests among stakeholders implying multi-criteria
        - decision making problem.
        - multi-annual management plans
        - lack of clear management objectives, recovery plan etc.
        - uncertainty and lack of (scientific) knowledge
        - threatened or vulnerable species impacted by the fisheries.
        - policy, science and stakeholders interactions.

  • Policies and objectives in place (as relevant for the addressed issue):

       - CFP relevant for issue? MSY and Bpa Blim, Flim, Fpa defined for relevant species?
       - MSFD relevant to issue? How to transform the high level descriptors 1, 3, 4 and 6 into indicators and reference levels?
       - Ecological, environmental social, economic policies relevant to issue addressed (nationally, regionally, and locally?)

  • Management regulations and measures in place (as relevant for the addressed issue): Management rules enforced (HCR, TACs, effort limits, closed areas / seasons (MPAs), technical regulations, landing obligations; other regulations which can affect fisheries and ecosystem). Marine Strategy Framework Directive, particular descriptors 1, 3, 4 and 6. Assessment: methods, institutions; key assessment uncertainties, key uncertainties impacting yield forecast.
  • Decision environment: Identification of the governance setting (as relevant for the management priorities): Covered CFP? MSFD? Decision-making by Council / Parliament or other European institutions; nations involved, regional bodies for cooperation on resource management or environmental issues, relevant international conventions in place, division of responsibility and decision-making process regarding fisheries management and environmental issues.

15:00 Presentations of group work & discussions, Group leaders

15:45 Summary and AOB