A great deal of work is put into Matís' operating plan and settlement, and every month the company's board is presented with a plan and detailed operating settlement, so the follow-up is extensive.
Preparatory work for the preparation of the company's operating plan for the coming operating year always begins at the beginning of September. The basic work of the planning takes place in Matís' support areas and is managed by the CFO and the head of operations and information technology. The operating plan is then reviewed with the project managers and reviewed with the division managers before it is submitted to the board.
Matís 'total revenue has grown steadily since its establishment and Matís' total revenue for 2014 was just over ISK 1.4 billion. Most of Matís' revenue comes from foreign co-operation, or more than 40%, based on the operating plan for 2014. Foreign co-operation has increased significantly in recent years and the aim is to continue to do so in the coming years.
A service agreement with the Ministry of Industry and Innovation is an important part of Matís' revenue generation, but its share has been declining since Matís' establishment and the state's funding for Matís' operations has decreased by 30% in real terms since 2010.
Domestic funds, such as AVS and Tækniþróunarsjóður, are also important in Matís' revenue generation, as well as transactions with companies and public entities.
Proportional distribution of income in the years 2007-2013:
The largest expense items, excluding salaries and salary-related expenses and general direct costs for the operation of projects, are the operation of housing and other office and administrative costs.
Matís is in good co-operation with the National Audit Office, which is responsible for auditing Matís' annual accounts. Accounting processes and procedures are being worked on in collaboration with the National Audit Office, and the National Audit Office's comments on Matís' operations have been uncommented recently. years.
For further information Kristinn Kolbeinsson, CFO of Matís.