
Value creation at the University of Iceland - collaboration with Matís is very important in the opinion of the Rector

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Today's morning paper contains a detailed interview with Kristín Ingólfsdóttir, Rector of the University of Iceland. Among other things, she enters the University of Iceland and is one of the 300 best universities in the world.

The full interview with Kristín can be seen here.

About Matís
Matís was created five years ago and during that time has established itself in Icelandic society in many ways. Matís is regarded as a leading company in food research. Matís is a driving force in business innovation and start-ups, the company brings together the research community, the university community and the business community. Matís is at the forefront of future opportunities for job creation and it is especially worth mentioning biotechnology research that has already created jobs and increased the interest of foreign parties in collaborative projects with the company. This is an example of how offense is the best defense.

In five years, Matís has built a reputation and trust in Icelandic society, which is a valuable vegan place into the future. This has been done, for example, with the purposeful participation of the company and its employees in media coverage in the community. Every day, major projects are carried out within the company's walls that affect people and companies throughout society, and it is important to strengthen people's general knowledge of what Matís stands for and how the company contributes to Icelandic society.

It is true to say that Matís bridges the gap between research and the university community on the one hand and the business community on the other.

For further information Steinar B. Aðalbjörnsson, marketing director of Matís.