Matís, Reykhóla prefecture and Þörungaverksmiðjan have signed a letter of intent for collaboration in research under the auspices of the newly established Icelandic Algae Center in Reykhólar.
Today, Ingibjörg Birna Erlingsdóttir, the mayor of Reykhóla prefecture, and Finnur Árnason, the manager of Þörungaverksmiðjan hf. on behalf of Þörungamiðstöð Íslands on the one hand, and Oddur Már Gunnarsson, CEO of Matís, on the other hand under a declaration of intent for co-operation in research and monitoring in connection with Þörungamiðstöð Íslands in Reykhólar in order to increase knowledge, employment and value creation from seaweed and kelp through research, education , innovation and product development.
Þörungamiðstöð Íslands is intended to be a public limited company domiciled in Reykhóla prefecture owned by Þörungaverksmiðjan hf. and Reykhóla prefecture as well as other parties. According to the draft memorandum of association, the purpose of the company is, among other things, to promote increased knowledge and gather in a knowledge bank on the acquisition and utilization of marine algae in Iceland, both farmed and wild, conduct research with an emphasis on marine algae, collaborate with research institutes and companies, provide services to research institutes and companies take part in education and research, promote algae cultivation and develop products from them to increase value creation from this seafood while promoting more diverse employment in Reykhóla prefecture.
Dr. Hólmfríður Sveinsdóttir, will shape the operations of the Icelandic Algae Center. Hólmfríður led the development of research activities around the fishing industry at Verin in Sauðárkrókur, where Matís' office in Sauðárkrókur was important, so that the start-up company Protis was launched. Hólmfríður was the creator of the Protis Fish Protein production. Protis was the first company in Iceland to set up a production process for dried fish protein and fish collagen, which is made from by-products of fish processing and sold under the Protis Fish Protein brand.
The history of algae processing in Reykhólar is over 50 years old and local knowledge of the resource has accumulated. The search is on for a suitable place in the country for research activities and practical product development for marine algae. At Breiðafjörður, about a quarter of Iceland's coastline and growing conditions are unique. Until now, Þörungaverksmiðjan has supported research in the fjord by offering vehicles, experienced seafarers and safety equipment to carry out research. Extensive knowledge has been built up of the production process within the Algae Factory. By participating in the establishment of the Icelandic Algae Center, Þörungaverksmiðjan hf. strengthen support for research on the resource and new processing methods, as Reykhólahreppur is its home ground and the residents are the basis of the operation. The algae factory produces and sells high quality dried and ground seaweed and horse kelp from Breiðafjörður. The algae meal is certified as an unmixed organic product and a sustainable crop. With increased technological development, enormous opportunities have been created for more diverse utilization of algae and the processing of valuable substances in the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries, with associated value and job creation.
The Icelandic Algae Center in collaboration with the business community, universities and research institutes is precisely intended to promote sustainable utilization based on research results, increase knowledge, provide education, increase employment opportunities and the value of products made from seaweed and kelp.
Reykhóla prefecture aims to support a more diverse economy, better utilization of the area's resources, a broader human life in the municipality with increased research and development activities and good facilities for new residents and those who are already there.
The signing today is an important step in the development of research and development activities in Reykhólar, as Matís has extensive knowledge and experience in research on algae, where emphasis has been placed on scientific innovation and practical knowledge and added value.

The declaration of intent states that the common goal of the parties to the agreement is to strengthen research and development activities in connection with the sustainable utilization of algae and thus promote increased knowledge, value creation and job creation in the field of marine algae.