
Do you want to buy home-slaughtered?

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Matís invites to a meeting in Miðgarður, Varmahlíð

Matís invites to a meeting in Miðgarður, Varmahlíð, on Thursday 5 July 2018 at 13:00, where challenges and opportunities related to innovation in agriculture, sales and distribution of products from home slaughter and the importance of risk assessment will be discussed. Everyone is welcome to the meeting.

Home slaughter has been practiced since the beginning of agriculture, but the distribution and sale of products from home slaughter is not permitted, according to current laws and regulations. 

But what is the risk? Is it possible to allow the sale and distribution of home-slaughtered animals, ensure consumer safety and increase farmers' value creation?

The meeting will discuss, among other things, farmers 'benefits from risk assessment and farmers' perspectives - opportunities and challenges will be addressed, see more agenda of the meeting.

The meeting will be broadcast live via Matís' Facebook page and it will be possible to submit questions that will be addressed. Sveinn Margeirsson, CEO of Matís, will chair the meeting.