Peer-reviewed articles

Application of Quality Index Method (QIM) Scheme and Effects of Short-Time Temperature Abuse in Shelf Life Study of Fresh Water Arctic Char (Salvelinus alpinus)

Authors: Cyprian Ogombe Odoli, Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir, Hannes Magnússon, Emilia Martinsdóttir

Version: Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology

Publication year: 2008


Farmed arctic char were divided into two groups after slaughtering. One group (T1) was stored in ice up to 18 d and the other (T2) was stored at 18 ° C for 24 h (temperature increased from 3 ° C up to 12 ° C), then iced and stored up to 18 d . Changes during storage were observed with sensory evaluation using the Quality Index Method (QIM) and Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA), total viable counts (TVC), and hydrogen sulphide (H2S) -producing bacteria. A high correlation between Quality Index (QI) and storage time in ice was found. Storage time could be predicted within ± 1.3 d. The maximum shelf life, determined with QDA and microbial counts, was 17 and 15 d, respectively, for iced (T1) and temperature-abused (T2) arctic char. At the end of shelf life, TVC was 105–106 CFU / g in the flesh of both groups, with H2S producing bacteria constituting a higher proportion of TVC in T2.

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