Advantages of sensory evaluation

Sensory evaluation is the only method that gives a direct measurement of factors as the consumer of the product perceives them.

Sensory evaluation results help to understand consumer reactions. However, the results are not a consumer survey, but nevertheless explain how people experience and perceive the product. Sensory evaluation can indicate how sensory factors play together, and show the overall effect of all sensory factors, eg how sweet and sour play together, and so on.

The sensory evaluation can give one overall score that can be used for a decision in the processing or sale of products. The use of sensory evaluation in daily quality control is very important to monitor changes in raw materials and then the product description must be available. It needs to be clear what variability can be expected in sensory evaluation traits and what is the normal variability in each trait.

Sensory evaluation can then answer questions such as whether the production meets the requirements and whether there is a noticeable difference between what is tested and standard.

When there are changes in raw materials, production, packaging, sensory evaluation answers questions such as the quality changes, they change beyond the permitted limits or the difference is noticeable. It is also necessary to be aware of how much sensory properties may change before there is a risk of affecting how consumers like the product. Those who work in quality control must work objectively and according to themselves, they need to know what is the allowed difference between sessions and also within each session, as well as know the whole field.