Markmið verkefnisins er að þróa iðnaðarferil til framleiðslu matvæla og fóðurs úr geri sem verður til við bjórgerð . Núverandi nýtingarmöguleikar á slíku geri – sem hér er kallað ,,bruggger“ – eru svo til engir og það fellur því almennt til sem úrgangur hjá brugghúsum. Verkefnið er því liður í að skapa nýtingarmöguleika og verðmæti úr úrgangsafurð.
About 50% of the dry weight of yeast consists of protein, but the demand for protein for human and salmon farming is constantly increasing. The products of the process will be three: dried yeast that could be used to make feed for farmed fish; purified yeast protein that is produced during the fermentation of brewer's yeast and could be used for human consumption, for example for addition to drinks; and a flavoring substance that is created during the fermentation of brewer's yeast and could be used as a spice for a wide variety of foods.
The project is intended to provide all the information necessary to determine the suitability of brewer's yeast for use in food and feed – i.e. the project deals with the entire process from the processing of the brewer's yeast to the exploration of the utilization possibilities of the products created from it. The results of the project can therefore be used to obtain a detailed assessment of the feasibility of implementing the industrial process for the production of food and fodder from yeast.