Matís Staff

Alexandra María Klonowski

Project Manager

Range: Microorganisms

Phone: +354 4225166 /


Focus Areas:

Genetics, Biotechnology, DNA, Microbiology

Peer-reviewed Articles:
  • Bergsten P, Vannier P, Klonowski, Stephen Knobloch AM, Gudmundsson MT, Jackson MD and Marteinsson VT. Basalt-Hosted Microbial Communities in the Subsurface of the Young Volcanic Island of Surtsey, Iceland - (2021). Frontiers in microbiology, (IF: 5.64), 2021;12:2789.

  • Roberta, T., Marteinsson, V.Th., Longeon, A., Klonowski, AM, Groben, R., Bourguet-Kondracki, ML., Costantino, V., Mangoni, A .. Thermoactinoamide A, an Antibiotic Lipophilic Cyclopeptide from the Icelandic Thermophilic Bacterium Thermoactinomyces vulgaris - (2017).  Journal of natural products, 80(9), 2530-2535.

  • Marteinsson V., Klonowski A., Reynisson E., Vannier, P., Sigurðsson, BD, Ólafsson, M .. Microbial colonization in diverse surface soil types in Surtsey and diversity analysis of its subsurface microbiota - (2015). Biogeosciences, 12(4), 1191-1203.

  • Kristjansson, T., Björnsdottir, S., Sigurdsson, A., Anderson, LS, Lindgren, G., Helyar, SJ, Klonowski, AM, Arnason, T .. The effect of the 'Gait keeper' mutation in the DMRT3 gene on gaiting ability in Icelandic horses - (2014). Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 131, 415-425.

  • Reports:
  • Production of fish sauce from Icelandic seafood with useful fermentation / Fish Sauce produced by useful fermentation

  • Bibliography


    Jackson MD, Gudmundsson MT, Weisenberger TB, Rhodes JM, Stefánsson A., Kleine BI, Lippert PC, Marquardt JM, Reynolds HI, Kück J., Marteinsson V.Þ., Vannier P ,, Bach W., Barich A., Bergsten P., Bryce JG, Cappelletti P., Couper S., Fahnestock MF, Gorny CF, Grimaldi C., Groh M., Gudmundsson Á, Gunnlaugsson Á.Þ., Hamlin C., Högnadóttir Th., Jónasson K., Jónsson SS, Jørgensen SL, Klonowski AM, Marshall B., Massey E., McPhie J., Moore JG, Ólafsson ES :, Onstad SL, Perez V., Prause S., Snorrason SP, Türke A., White JDL & Zimanowski B. (2019) SUSTAIN drilling at Surtsey volcano, Iceland, tracks hydrothermal and microbiological interactions in basalt 50 years after eruption. Scientific Drilling, 25, 35–46.

    Weisenberger, TB, Gudmundsson, MT, Jackson, MD, Gorny, C., Türke, A., Kleine, BI, Marshall, B., Jørgensen, SL, Marteinsson, V.Þ., Stefánsson, A., White, JDL , Barich, A., Bergsten, P., Bryce, J., Couper, S., Fahnestock, F., Franzson, H., Grimaldi, C., Groh, M., Guðmundsson, Á., Gunnlaugsson Á.Þ ., Hamlin, C., Högnadóttir, Þ., Jónasson, K., Jónsson, SS, Klonowski, A., Kück, J., Magnússon, RL, Massey, E., McPhie, J., Ólafsson, ES, Onstad , SL, Prause, S., Perez, V., Rhodes, JM, and Snorrason, S P. (2019) Operational Report for the 2017 Surtsey Underwater volcanic System for Thermophiles, Alteration processes and INnovative Concretes (SUSTAIN) drilling project at Surtsey Volcano, Iceland, Geo Forschungs Zentrum (GFZ) German Research Center for Geosciences. doi:, 2019.


    Bergsten P., Marteinsson VP, Klonowski AM, Vannier P., Kleine B., Stefánsson A., Weisenberger T., Jackson MD, Gudmundsson MT & the SUSTAIN OnSite Team (2018) Preliminary results from 1979 and 2017 ICDP SUSTAIN drilling: the sub-terrestrial biosphere of the neo-island Surtsey. Geophysical Research Letters, 20, EGU2018-17706. EGU General Assembly 2018, April 13-18, 2018.

    Gudmundsson, MT, Weisenberger, TB, Jónasson, K., Stefánsson, A., Marteinsson V. Þ., Jackson, MD, White, JDL, Gorny, C., McPhie, J., Rhodes, JM, Jörgensen, S. , Tuerke, A., Snorrason, SP, Guðmundsson, Á., Bergsten, P., Kleine, BI, Prause, S., Högnadóttir, Þ., Gunnlaugsson, Á. Þ., Ólafsson, ES, Massey, E., Couper, S., Klonowski, A., Barich, A., Jónsson, SS, Franzson, H., Onstad, SL, the drilling group from Surtsey (2018) Surtseyjarborunin 2017: Multinational the SUSTAIN project, first results. Spring meeting 2018 Icelandic Geological Society, Reykjavík.


    Teta, R., Marteinsson, VT, Longeon, A., Klonowski, AM., Groben R., Bourguet-Kondracki, ML., Costantino, V., Mangoni A. Thermoactinoamide A, an Antibiotic Lipophilic Cyclopeptide from the Icelandic Thermophilic Bacterium Thermoactinomyces vulgaris. Journal of Natural Products. 2017 Sep 22; 80 (9): 2530-2535


    Marteinsson VT, Klonowski A, Reynisson E, Farrant G, Bergsten P, Groben R, Skirnisdottir S, Vanhalst J, Vannier P. 2016. Description of microbial diversity at a tidal hydrothermal vent site by cultivation and next generation sequencing (NGS). MaCumba Marine Microbiome Discovery & Innovation. Adlershof, Germany, June 27th-30th 2016

    V. Marteinsson, A. Klonowski, E. Reynisson, P. Vannier, BD Sigurdsson and M. Ólafsson. 2015. Microbial colonization in diverse surface soil types in Surtsey and diversity analysis of its subsurface microbiota. Biogeoscience 12, 1-3, 2015, doi: 10.5194 / bg-12-1-2015.

    Groben, R., Reynisson, E., Vannier, P., Klonowski, A. & Marteinsson, V. Þ. (2015). Metagenomic analysis of microbial communities at a coastal geothermal area (Reykjanes, NW Iceland). IceBio2015 - Conference on Biology in Iceland, 05.-, Reykjavik, Iceland.

    Kristjansson, T., Bjornsdottir, S., Sigurdsson, A., Andersson, LS, Lindgren, G., Helyar, SJ, Klonowski, AM, Arnason, T. 2014. The effect of the 'Gait keeper' mutation in the DMRT3gene on gaiting ability in Icelandic horses. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics. 131, (6): 415-425.


    Eva E. Klonowski, PhD, Nermin Sarajlic, MD, Piotr Drukier, MSc, and Alexandra M. Klonowski. 2005. The Impact of Age Related Changes in Vertebral Column on Age Determination for Identification Purposes. Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, New Orleans, Louisiana, pp: 312-313.


    Arnljótur B. Bergsson, Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir, Alexandra M. Klonowski, Ásbjörn Jónsson, Loftur Þórarinsson, María Pétursdóttir, Sigrún Sigmundsdóttir, Patricia Y. Hamaguchi. Production of fish sauce from Icelandic seafood with useful fermentation / Fish Sauce produced by useful fermentation. Matis Report 04-12.

    Sólveig K. Pétursdóttir, Snædís Björnsdóttir, Alexandra Klonowski, Sólveig Ólafsdóttir, Guðmundur Óli Hreggviðsson. Biosphere in calcareous hot springs at Ölkelduháls. Matis Report 30-08.

    Skirnisdottir S, Klonowski AM, Hauksdottir S, Olafsson K, Thorarensen H, Svavarsson E, Hjorleifsdottir, S. 2008. Genetic marker set for char. Matis Report 04-08.


    Alexandra M. Klonowski, Anna Kristín Daníelsdóttir, Kristinn Ólafsson, Ragnar Jóhannsson, Sigurlaug Skírnisdóttir, Steinunn Magnúsdóttir. Is your horse intelligent? Genetic analysis and breeding of domestic animals. Lecture: Agricultural Research Council 2011.

    Skirnisdottir S, Klonowski AM, Hauksdottir S, Olafsson K, Thorarensen H, Svavarsson E, Hjorleifsdottir S. Genetic analysis of char. Agricultural Research Council on 12-13. February 2009

    Klonowski, AM, BS, and Simmons, T., PhD. 2006. Long Bone Ratios for the Bosnian Male Population: A New Method in Re-Association of Commingled Remains. 2nd National Forensic Research and Teaching Conference, Preston, Lancashire, England.


    Antibiotic lipophilic cyclopeptide from thermophilic actinomyces -Bacteria-inhibiting peptide. Inventors: Viggo Thor Marteinsson, René Groben, Alexandra M. Klonowski, Alfonso Mangoni, Valeria Costantino, Roberta Teta, Marie-Lise Bourguet-Kondracki, Arlette Longeon. Filed at the Icelandic Patent Office, Reference: EU9076. Priority date: 29. July 2016.