
Formation of acrylamide in food




Ólafur Reykdal, Irek Klonowski

Supported by:

Nordic Innovation Center (NICe)


Ólafur Reykdal

Project Manager

Formation of acrylamide in food

In the years 2004-2007, Icelanders took part in a Nordic project on the formation of acrylamide (Akrylamide - Precursors: Limiting substrates and in vivo effects). was tested in baking products and it did not affect the formation of acrylamide. Acrylamide in french fries varied considerably, but at the end of the project it was low after pre-frying in a factory.

Icelandic food scientists and companies participated in a Nordic project on acrylamide (Akrylamide - Precursors: Limiting substrates and in vivo effects) in 2004 - 2007. The formation of acrylamide was investigated in cereal- and potato products and data on the precursors of acrylamide, sugars and amino acids, were collected. Icelandic barley flour was used in bakery products and did not influence the formation of acrylamide. Insubstantial acrylamide formed in the traditional Icelandic bakery products flat bread and thin unleavened wheat bread. Acrylamide was not detected in several types of bread, but quite high levels of acrylamide were found in sweetened rye bread which is baked for a long time. Acrylamide in french fries proved variable but moderate levels were found in 2006 after first frying in factory. The levels of acrylamide depend very much on the second frying at home.

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