These general terms shall apply to projects carried out by Matis. What is not specified in the agreement and its appendices where applicable, is outside the scope of this Agreement. The agreement and its appendices shall enter into force upon signature. These terms apply to all communication and tasks regarding the project and the incidents thereof.
The parties may specify a project management group/project manager, if so decided, it is obliged to monitor progress of the project on a regular basis. The project owner or its representatives are obliged to advise Matis on the execution of the project and ensure that necessary equipment and information are available and at hand needed to resolve the project. Matis commits to perform the best of its ability and complete the project on time. Matis is obliged to request information from the project owner that Matis considers necessary to complete the project. Matis may subcontract the execution of the entire project or individual parts. However, Matis shall supervise the work and inform the project owner of its progress.
Work time is based on the assumptions given in the schedule. If the project owner changes the specifications after the commencement of work and the work is delayed as a consequence, Matis is not to be held responsible for the delay.
The project owner is entirely responsible for the delays resulting from incorrect protocol. Similarly, if the protocol is inaccurate. Matis is not responsible for delays caused by unforeseen circumstances such as strikes, import restrictions, fires or other such events that cannot be anticipated. Delays occurring in the project, due to lack of information or tools and equipment’s belonging to the project owner, or delays on decisions regarding work, are the responsibility of the project owner. In case of predicted delay on Matis work the project owner shall be informed as soon as possible
In connection with this agreement between the parties they agree that, written, oral and electronic information, data or other items which is non-public, confidential or proprietary in nature, for which confidentiality is important, may not be passed on. The parties agree that all such data and/or information, that the parties indicate, in a written, oral or in electronic form in one way or another to be confidential data and/or confidential information, the parties shall keep secret as if it were their own confidential information and/or confidential data. The parties are furthermore obliged to secure that all employees, who they employ during the project, are informed of this confidentiality obligation and furthermore that they are bound to full confidentiality, in connection with their work during the project. This confidentiality obligation shall be valid for 5 years after the termination of the cooperation.
In general, all work performed by Matis is according to Matis tariffs unless otherwise agreed. Work performed by or for Matis is invoiced at the end of each month or under an agreed payment for accrued labor and other costs. The invoice due date is within 30 days of the date thereof, or otherwise Matis may demand penalty as they are determined by the Central Bank from time to time. Contract is adjusted in accordance with changes in Matis tariffs. Matis is not required to report separately on such changes.
In case of non-payment by the project owner according to PAYMENTS hereof, Matis may, in addition to an admission of interest on arrears, stop work until full payment has been made and is not responsible for the delays that occur due to this reason. Furthermore, Matis can terminate this agreement and charge the cost incurred by lawsuit. Project results are Matis property until full payment has been made.
Matis is not responsible for results of the project. The Project owner are obliged to pay for Matis work regardless of the outcome of the project. Matis is not responsible for operating loss, lost profits or other damages arising from delays in the project or may otherwise attribute to the project or its outcome. Furthermore, Matis is not responsible for harmful properties that separate components may have.
In this Agreement the parties may utilize various knowledge such as and not limited to copyrighted works, inventions, ideas, methods, trade secrets or other rights belonging to either party at the beginning of the project (prior knowledge). Both parties agree that any such rights existing at the beginning of the project shall remain the property of the relevant party. This will furthermore be the case although such prior knowledge will be used in the project, that is any use of such prior knowledge (whether protected or not) in the project, will have no effect on ownership of the said knowledge. If a new work to which copyright applies, an invention that will possibly be protected by a patent, an idea, a method, a trade secret or any other new knowledge that did not exist upon the initiation of the project is generated during the project, that knowledge, solution, invention or anything else that may be generated will become the property of the party that invented it in connection with its work in the project. If new knowledge, that is considered to be the joint property of the parties, is created, the parties are obliged to make a special contract between them in relation to that joint property and how it will be treated in addition to the rule set forth here after concerning possible application for protection of the new knowledge. In such a contract the parties, are obliged to determine each party’s share of the property. In any case and if the intention is to apply for protection for the knowledge and/or invention concerned, the parties should apply collaboratively and share the costs in proportion to each party’s share in the property. If one party to the joint property is not interested in applying for protection for such invention/new knowledge, it is obliged to assign its right to apply for protection to the other party. That party can then apply for a patent or other IP right for the invention/new knowledge and consequently carry all costs. Scientific papers, reports and reporting project results will be published in the following order unless the authors agreed otherwise.
This Agreement is governed by Icelandic law. Should there be disagreement regarding the items to which this agreement applies to, the parties are obliged to do everything possible to settle such a disagreement by reconciliation. If not successful, any dispute, controversy or claim arising under, out of or relating to this agreement and any subsequent amendments of this agreement, including, without limitation, its formation, validity, binding effect, interpretation, performance, breach or termination, as well as non-contrac-tual claims, shall be submitted to the District Court of Reykjavik, Iceland that shall have the exclusive jurisdiction.
While the project is ongoing and the first 2 years after the project completes the discussion of the project or its results whether orally and or in writing should mention the contribution of all parties involved in the project, it includes; all collaborators, financiers and all those who have come to the project directly. Discussion is for example, but not limited to, lectures, interviews on radio or television, the newspapers, book writing, writing in the peer-reviewed scientific journals, videos, annual report writing or anything else related to the marketing of the project or its results.