The second HOLOSUSTAIN workshop “Sea cucumbers: a potential novel seafood in Europe?”

The second HOLOSUSTAIN workshop “Sea cucumbers: a potential novel seafood in Europe?” will take place on 20 May 2022, in mixed (physical and digital) format, at NMK, Ålesund, Norway.

You can find the final version of the scientific program at the link below. Some hotel suggestions for your stay.

Please, if interested, submit a digital poster, to be presented automatically during the event.  It is free of charge and will be made available in pdf format in the Book of Abstracts as “open access” on the project website after the event. The blank poster presentation form for the digital posters during the event can be downloaded here.

If interested to participate or have questions, please, send us an e-mail through filling in the inscription form or using the mails in the contact section of this website or inscribe here. Inscription open until 10 May. 

More information here.