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Catalyzing Progress in the Blue Economy through Joint Marine Microbiome Research Across the Atlantic

International agreements recognize the importance of cooperative scientific research to conserve and promote sustainable development of a shared Atlantic Ocean. In 2022, the All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance Declaration was signed. The All-Atlantic Declaration continues and extends relationships forged by the Galway Statement on Atlantic Ocean Cooperation and the Belém Statement on Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Cooperation. These efforts are consistent with programs, actions, and aims of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. In preparation for implementation of the All-Atlantic Declaration, members of the Marine Microbiome Working Group and the Marine Biotechnology Initiative for the Atlantic under the Galway and Belém Statements respectively, joined forces to call for cooperation across the Atlantic to increase marine microbiome and biotechnology research to promote ocean health and a sustainable bioeconomy. This article reviews the goals of the marine microbiome and biotechnology initiatives under the Galway and Belém Statements and outlines an approach to implement those goals under the All-Atlantic Declaration through a Blue Biotech and Marine Microbiome (BBAMM) collaboration.


Tækifæri tengd fullvinnslu lífmassa og líftækni á Vestnorræna svæðinu




Bryndís Björnsdóttir, Margrét Geirsdóttir, Elísabet Eik Guðmundsdóttir, Guðjón Þorkelsson, Rósa Jónsdóttir, Gunnar Þórðarson, René Groben, Stephen Knobloch, Aviaja Lyberth Hauptmann, Janus Vang, Ingunn Gunnarsdóttir, Ragnar Jóhannsson, Lisbeth Due Schönemann-Paul, Sigrún Elsa Smáradóttir

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Nordic Council of Ministers and AG-fisk

Tækifæri tengd fullvinnslu lífmassa og líftækni á Vestnorræna svæðinu / Biorefining and Biotechnology Opportunities in the West Nordic Region

Vestnorræna svæðið býr yfir miklum tækifærum til bættrar nýtingar, sjálfbærni og aukins virði lífrænna auðlinda. Þessi skýrsla ber kennsl á helstu lífrænu auðlindir svæðisins sem henta til fullvinnslu (e. biorefining) og notkunar líftæknilegra tóla. Skýrslan greinir frá verðmætum innihaldsefnum helstu lífauðlinda svæðisins, ásamt þeim vinnsluaðferðum sem beitt er eða hægt er að beita á þær og telur upp ýmsar lokaafurðir sem hægt er að framleiða með frekari fullvinnslu. Í skýrslunni er yfirlit yfir þá starfsemi sem nú er í gangi og þær afurðir sem framleiddar eru á svæðinu með fullvinnslu og líftækni. Lífrænum auðlindum er skipt upp eftir því hvort þær teljast hliðarafurðir, upprunnar í vatni eða á landi, eða vannýttar auðlindir. Athygli er beint að sérstökum tækifærum og hindrunum tengdum Vestnorræna svæðinu.

The West Nordic region holds promising opportunities to improve utilisation, sustainability and value from its biological resources. The region’s major bioresources available for biorefining and biotechnological applications are the focus of this report. It identifies valuable ingredients in the different resources, processing technologies which are or may be applied, and possible end products obtained from further processing the raw material. An overview of the current operations and products which are being produced within the region is given. The report divides the available bioresources into biodegradable residues of aquatic or land origin and underutilised biomass. High-north specific opportunities and obstacles are highlighted.

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