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Results-based management in practice: Lessons learnt and policy recommendations from the implementation of RBM in European fisheries outside Europe


Jónas Rúnar Viðarsson



This paper summarizes the lessons learnt from the implementation of a practical approach to Results-based Management (RBM) within the EU H2020 FarFish project, where RBM is conceptualized as a contract situation. From these lessons a set of policy recommendations for the improvement of the fisheries management through the adoption of RBM for EU vessels fishing in international- and Sustainable FisheriesPartnership Agreements (SFPA) waters were put forward. The policy recommendations are based on key project outputs and additional semi-structured interviews on the experiences of project partners. This exercise revealed advancements and shortcomings for the broader implementation of a more participatory, inclusive, and responsive approach to fisheries governance. Meaningful and effective participation was a pivotal factor for the success of the process. Absence of relevant bodies, sectors and fleet segments proved detrimental throughout all cases. The importance of scoping, goal setting and timing of the actions, as well as managing realistic expectations within the RBM, were highlighted. Data availability and accountability was pivotal, as in cases were cooperation succeeded, data was made available, and knowledge was expanded and enriched. The implementation of this approach to RBM showed great potential when extended to other aspects of fisheries’ management, fishing categories and fleets. This structured approach to RBM provides a promising alternative to current fisheries management systems across the world.


Coastal fisheries in Iceland / Smábátaveiðar við Ísland




Gunnar Þórðarson, Jónas R. Viðarsson

Styrkt af:

NORA and AG‐fisk (The Nordic working group for fisheries cooperation)


Gunnar Þórðarson



Coastal fisheries in Iceland / Smábátaveiðar við Ísland

The Icelandic coastal fleet includes around 2.000 vessels and is divided into different categories. Within the Icelandic fisheries management system the coastal fleet is split up in two main groups, operated within the Individual Transferable Quota system (ITQ) and the Jig and Line system (J&Ls). The coastal fleet is then influenced by the fisheries legislations in many other ways, like the regional quota system, the lumpfish system, the leisure fishing system, the coastal jigging system and many other ascendance. Vessels categorised as being apart the coastal fleet are less than 15 meters long and under 30 gross tonnage in size. The fleet is an important contributor to the national economy and is considered a key element for regional development in the country. More than 97% of the coastal catches in Icelandic waters are demersal species, but the rest are pelagic spices and other. Cod is the by far the most importantspecies caught by coastal vessels, with haddock trailing in second place. The coastal fleet has significant role in Icelandic economy landing more than 17% of the total demersal catch, at the value of 170 million Euros in the fishing year 2012/13. Around 1.600 fishermen are working full‐time within the J&Ls and approximately 700 have temporary employment on coastal vessels, manly within the Coastal Jigging system during the summer months.

Smábátafloti Íslendinga telur rúmlega 2.000 báta og skiptast þeir í tvo megin flokka, bátar sem veiða innan aflamarkskerfilsins (stóra kerfið) og krókaaflamarkskerfisins (litla kerfið). Smábátaútgerð á Íslandi er háð mörgum öðrum greinum fiskveiðistjórnunarkerfisins, svo sem byggðakvótum, kerfi um grásleppuveiðar, frístundaveiðar og strandveiðar svo eitthvað sé til talið. Á Íslandi eru smábátar skilgreindir sem fiskveiðibátar sem eru 30 brúttótonn eða minni að burðargetu og innan við 15 metra langir. Smábátaflotinn er mikilvægur fyrir hagkerfi landsins, hvort sem litið er til fjölda starfa, verðmæta eða áhrif á byggðaþróun. Um 97% af afla smábátaflotans eru botnfisktegundir, en aðeins um 1% eru uppsjávartegundir. Smábátar veiddu um 17% af heildarafla botnfisktegunda landsmanna á fiskveiðiárinu 2012/13 og voru verðmætin 26,6 milljarðar króna. Þorskur er langsamlega mikilvægasta tegund þessa flota. Um 1.600 fiskimenn eru í skipsrúmi á smábátum sem veiða innan krókaaflamarkskerfisins og aðrir 700 hafa tímabundna atvinnu innan geirans, aðallega þá við strandveiðar á sumrin.

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Fiskveiðistjórnun til framtíðar / Fisheries management for the future




Sigríður Sigurðardóttir, Sveinn Margeirsson, Jónas R. Viðarsson

Styrkt af:

AVS, MariFish, FP7


Jónas Rúnar Viðarsson



Fiskveiðistjórnun til framtíðar / Fisheries management for the future

Skýrsla þessi er lokaskýrsla til AVS í verkefninu Fiskveiðistjórnun til framtíðar sem var að hluta styrkt af AVS rannsóknarsjóði. Um er að ræða doktorsverkefni Sigríðar Sigurðardóttur í iðnaðarverkfræði þar sem meginviðfangsefnið er líkangerð í fiskveiðistjórnun. Verkefnið sjálft sem er um það bil hálfnað er hluti af tveimur stærri Evrópuverkefnum, EcoFishMan og Badminton. Ekki er um hefðbundna lokaskýrslu að ræða þar sem verkefninu er ekki lokið, en niðurstöður verkþátta og nákvæma aðferðafræði verður hægt að kynna sér í áfanga- eða lokaskýrslum verkefnanna beggja þegar þær koma út. Að sama skapi er fyrirhugað að birta niðurstöður í ritrýndum greinum. Í þessari skýrslu er Evrópuverkefnunum lýst í heild, því næst er þeim verkþáttum sem styrkveiting AVS nær til lýst. Greint er frá aðferðafræði og framkvæmd. Badminton verkefnið fjallar um rannsóknir á brottkasti og ástæðum þess. Sá verkþáttur sem Fiskveiðistjórnun til framtíðar nær til fól í sér kerfisbundna greiningu á aðferðum til þess að draga úr brottkasti þar sem útkoman er nokkurs konar tól sem stjórnendur veiða geta nýtt sér við ákvarðanatöku. EcoFishMan verkefninu er ætlað að vera innlegg í endurskoðun á fiskveiðistjórnunarkerfi fyrir Evrópusambandið og er áhersla lögð á samstjórn. Sú vinna sem lýst er hér snýst um líkangerð á grásleppuveiðum á Íslandi.

This is a final report to the AVS fund in the project Fisheries management for the future, which was partly funded by the AVS research fund. The project is a part of Sigriður Sigurðardottir’s PhD in industrial engineering, where the main topic is to develop simulation modes on fisheries management. Sigriður’s PhD, which is half-way done, is a part of two larger European projects, EcoFishMan and Badminton. This report therefore only report’s on intermediate results in the larger contents. Further information will be available in reports and publications connected with EcoFishMan and Badminton. This report contains brief descriptions of the European projects and more detailed coverage of the progress, methodology and results in the work funded by AVS. Badminton is a project that focuses on the discarding problem in European waters. Fiskveiðistjórnun til framtíðar contributed to the project by analysing mitigating measures and developed a kind of a decision support tool for resource managers to assist with decision making. EcoFishMan is a project that is to contribute to the reform of the Common fisheries Policy of the EU, by implementing co-management and results-based management into European fisheries management. The part of EcoFishMan covered in this report describes simulation modelling for the Icelandic lumpfish fishery, which is a case study in EcoFishMan.

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