
100% fish in the Great Lakes region – Cisco (Coregonus Artedi) full utilization




Cécile Dargentolle, Jónas Viðarsson

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Great Lakes St. Lawrence Governors & Premiers (GSGP)


Cecile Dargentolle


This report presents a comprehensive biotechnical analysis of fillets and byproducts (heads, bones/frames, and skin) from Cisco (Coregonus Artedi) harvested in the Great Lakes region of the United States. Conducted by Matís for the Conference of Great Lakes St. Lawrence Governors & Premiers (GSGP), the study aims to identify higher-value alternative uses for Cisco byproducts.

Key findings include:

  • Whole Body Mass Balance and Proximate Composition: Detailed analysis of fillets, heads, bones, and skin.
  • Amino Acid and Hydroxyproline Content: Evaluation of amino acid content in heads and hydroxyproline content in skins and scales, with scales showing notably high hydroxyproline at 2.45 g/100g protein.

Utilization Alternatives

  1. Protein Isolate and Fish Oil from Heads: The heads showed significant amino acid content, making them suitable for protein isolate production and fish oil extraction.
  2. Gelatine Production from Skins and Scales: High hydroxyproline levels indicate potential for high-quality gelatine production.
  3. Protein Hydrolysates from Viscera and Roes: Though promising, these transformations require substantial investment and adequate raw material supply.

Conclusion and Recommendations This initial identification of utilization alternatives highlights the potential for value-added products from Cisco byproducts. Further analysis and feasibility studies are recommended to optimize and implement these alternatives.

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Addition of collagen to heavy salted and lightly salted, chilled and frozen cod fillets




Kristín Anna Þórarinsdóttir, Hannes Magnússon, Irek Klonowski, Ásbjörn Jónsson, Frank Hansen, Egil Olsen, Sigurjón Arason

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Sigurjón Arason


Addition of collagen to heavy salted and lightly salted, chilled and frozen cod fillets

Áhrif viðbætts gelatíns sem unnið var úr fiski, voru könnuð á nýtingu, efnasamsetningu og gæði kældra, frystra og saltaðra þorskflaka.   Gelatíninu var blandað í saltpækil sem síðan var sprautað í flökin. Söltuð flök voru pækluð eftir sprautun, síðan þurrsöltuð í 3 vikur og að lokum útvötnuð.  Til samanburðar voru notuð flök sem sprautuð voru eingöngu með saltpækli. Meginniðurstöður voru þær að áhrif gelatíns á nýtingu og efnasamsetningu væru óveruleg. Breytingar voru fyrst og fremst af völdum hækkaðs saltinnihalds. Öðru máli gegndi um skemmdarferla í kældum afurðum. Örveruvöxtur og myndun niðurbrotsefna var meiri í þeim flökum sem sprautuð voru með gelatíni. Ekki var þó hægt að greina sjónrænan mun á útliti flaka eftir samsetningu pækils. 

The effects of added fish gelatine on yield, chemical composition and quality of chilled, frozen and salted cod fillets were evaluated. The gelatine was mixed with salt brine and injected to the fillets. Salted fillets were brined after injection, dry salted for 3 weeks and finally rehydrated. Fillets injected only with salt brine were used as control. Effects of added gelatine on yield and chemical composition were not significant. Alterations were primarily due to the increased salt content by injection. Conversely, the growth of microorganisms and degradation within chilled fillets was accelerated by addition of gelatine. However, no significant differences were observed in visual appearance of the fillets. 

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