
NorwLobster: Proceedings from a workshop on Norway lobster fisheries in the Nordic Countries held in Copenhagen 13th and 14th of May 2024




Gunnar Þórðarson, Sigurjón Arason

Styrkt af:

AG Fisk

There is considerable variation between countries how the species (Nephrops) is caught. Some countries rely largely on creeling (pot fishing) while bottom trawling is the common approach in other regions. Most common in Scandinavia is a combination of both systems, trawling in open sea and deep water, and pot fishing within fjords in shallow water. There are no considerable conflicts between the two groups.

There are pros and cons in both trap fishing and trawling for Nephrops. Both methods have some environmental impact, and both affect the Nephrops stock. Both methods need to respond to increased demands on awareness in environmental issues and sustainable fishing.

The effects of bottom trawling on potential habitat destruction were discussed. Recent developments in fishing gear technology were introduced and evaluation on future directions explored.

Common outcome from the meeting was a need for further research and lack of knowledge on stock assessment and biology. Another outcome was the need for all stakeholders to share information and increase cooperation in the future.

Participants agreed on the severity of the black market for Nephromas, and the damage it does for the value chain, and making stock assessment insignificant. Discharging is another important point regarding running an economical sustainable fishery.


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Gildruveiðar á humri / Lobster trap fishing




Heather Philp, Vigfús Þórarinn Ásbjörnsson, Ragnheiður Sveinþórsdóttir

Styrkt af:

AVS Tilvísunarnúmer R 043‐10

Gildruveiðar á humri / Lobster trap fishing

Í verkefninu voru ný veiðisvæði skilgreind fyrir gildruveiðar á humri, þau voru prófuð og metin eftir fýsileika. Einnig var fundinn ákjósanlegur tími áður en vitjað var um gildrurnar eftir að þær höfðu verið lagðar. Farið var yfir gögn sem sýndu árstíðabundnar sveiflur, bæði hvað varðar aflabrögð og aflaverðmæti, og einnig var nýrra gagna aflað og þau skilgreind. Markaðir fyrir lifandi humar voru skoðaðir ásamt verði eftir árstímum.   Niðurstöður verkefnisins sýna að stór humar er algengasti aflinn í gildrur hérlendis, raunar er humarinn það stór að hefðbundnar breskar pakkningar eru of litlar fyrir hann. Einnig er ánægjulegt að sá árstími sem mesta veiðin virðist vera er sá tími sem hæst verð fæst á mörkuðum fyrir lifandi humar. Ný veiðisvæði sem skilgreind voru reyndust vel og lofa góðu hvað framtíðina varðar.

In the project, new fishing grounds were identified for the purpose of lobster trap fishing. They were explored and assessed. Also, the optimal “soak” time for the fishing was determined. A lot of historical data were explored to show how the catches varied during the year – both catches and the value of the catch – and new data were collected. Markets for live lobster were explored by value and time of year.   The results of the project show that big lobsters are the most common catch in traps in Iceland. And in fact, the lobsters are so big that the packaging used for the lobster in the UK is too small. It´s positive for Iceland that the time of year when catches are highest coincides with the time of year when prices are the highest too. New fishing grounds were identified which were both productive and promising for the future.

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Muscle spoilage in Nephrops




Guðmundur H. Gunnarsson

Styrkt af:

AVS rannsóknasjóður og NORA

Muscle spoilage in Nephrops

Í verkefninu var unnið með humariðnaðinum á Íslandi við að greina orsakir og skilgreina lausnir til að draga úr vöðvadrepi í leturhumri. Slíkt vöðvadrep hafði aukist mjög á síðustu árum án skýrrar ástæðu. Í upphafi var gert ráð fyrir að líkleg ástæða vöðvadrepsins væri Hematodinium sýking í stofninum en slík sýking hefur valdið töluverðum áföllum í skoska leturhumarstofninum. Staðfest var að ekki voru tengsl milli Hematodinium sýkingar og vöðvadreps. Í framhaldinu varð því að breyta áherslum verkefnisins. Með ítarlegum formfræðirannsóknum á leturhumri tókst að tengja vöðvadrepið við ensímvirkni í hepatopancrea leturhumars. Byggt á þeim niðurstöðum var unnin skilgreining lausna til að draga úr tíðni vöðvadrepsins. Með bættri kælingu og meðhöndlun með ensímhindra hefur tekist að draga verulega úr vöðvadrepi í leturhumri.

This project was carried out in close association with the Icelandic Nephrops fishing and processing industry. The aim was to define reasons and propose solutions to reduce the muscle spoilage in Nephrops. Such muscle spoilage had increased significantly during the last few years without any know reason. The original hypothesis of the project was that there might be a correlation between infection of the parasite Hematodininum and muscle spoilage. Such parasitic infection has resulted in lower quality products in the Scottish Nephrops industry for the last decade. In the project it was confirmed that such infection is not the underlying factor for the muscle spoilage. This resulted in change of direction in the project. Based on morphological analysis of Nephrops it was observed that the muscle spoilage was correlated with enzyme activity in the hepatopancrea. Based on this observation it was possible to propose a code of practice to reduce the onset of the muscle spoilage. The code of practice is based on improved chilling and use of enzyme inhibitor during the storage of the Nephrops from catch to frozen product.

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