
EcoFishMan verkefnið vekur enn og aftur athygli

EcoFishMan Evrópusambandsverkefnið, sem Matís leiðir, verður á „Seas the Future“ ráðstefnunni í Færeyjum 7. og 8. júní.

Tilgangur „Seas the Future“ er að stuðla að áframhaldandi vinnu, í gegnum norrænt samstarf, og stuðla þannig að sameiginlegum aðgerðum og samræmingu á svæðum vegna sjálfbærrar þróunar, bæði á milli Norðurlandanna og nágranna þeirra í aðliggjandi svæðum á Norður-Atlantshafi, Norður heimsskautinu og í Evrópusambandinu.

Eins og fram hefur komið í fréttum og vefsíðum Matís þá væntir Evrópusambandið þess að í EcoFishMan verkefninu verði þróuð ný aðferðafræði sem nýtist við breytingar og umbætur á fiskveiðistjórnunarkerfi sínu. Lögð er áhersla á samstarf við sjómenn, útgerð og vinnslu og að hagnýta upplýsingar úr rafrænum afladagbókum. Markmið verkefnisins er að stuðla að vistvænni, sjálfbærri og hagrænni stjórnun með sérstakri áherslu á rekjanleika og að lágmarka brottkast afla.

Að EcoFishMan verkefninu koma alls 13 stofnanir, fyrirtæki og háskólar í átta Evrópulöndum, þar á meðal Háskóli Íslands og háskólinn í Tromsö í Noregi. Gert er ráð fyrir að verkefnið kosti 3,7 milljónir evra á þremur árum og nemur styrkur ESB 3,0 milljónum evra.

Ritrýndar greinar

Possible cryptic stock structure for minke whales in the North Atlantic: Implications for conservation and management

The minke whale is the last of the great whale species to be hunted in significant numbers. Effective management must include an understanding of how genetic diversity is divided and distributed among putative local populations, and as for many migratory species, this is complicated for the minke whale by large-scale seasonal movement among geographic regions. The problem is that the geographic identity of breeding populations is not known, and instead these whales are predictably found and hunted where different breeding stocks may mix on seasonal feeding grounds. Here we use microsatellite DNA and mtDNA markers to investigate minke whale population structure across the species’ range in the North Atlantic. We found no evidence of geographic structure comparing putative populations in recognized management areas, though some limited structure had been indicated in earlier studies. However, using individual genotypes and likelihood assignment methods, we identified two putative cryptic stocks distributed across the North Atlantic in similar proportions in different regions. Some differences in the proportional representation of these populations may explain some of the apparent differentiation between regions detected previously. The implication would be that minke whales range extensively across the North Atlantic seasonally, but segregate to some extent on at least two breeding grounds. This means that established stock boundaries in the North Atlantic, currently used for management, should be re-considered to ensure the effective conservation of genetic diversity.

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Ritrýndar greinar

Following the kinetics: Iron-oxidising microbial mats in cold Icelandic volcanic habitats and their rock-associated biomarkers

Icelandic streams with mean annual temperatures of less than 5°C, which receive the cationic products of basaltic rock weathering, were found to host mats of iron-cycling microorganisms. We investigated two representative sites. Iron-oxidizing Gallionella and iron-reducing Geobacter species were present. The mats host a high bacterial diversity as determined by culture-independent methods. β-Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, α-Proteobacteria, and Bacteroidetes were abundant microbial taxa. The mat contained a high number of phototroph sequences. The carbon compounds in the mat displayed broad G and D bands with Raman spectroscopy. This signature becomes incorporated into the weathered oxidized surface layer of the basaltic rocks and was observed on rocks that no longer host mats. The presence of iron-oxidizing taxa in the stream microbial mats, and the lack of them in previously studied volcanic rocks in Iceland that have intermittently been exposed to surface water flows, can be explained by the kinetic limitations to the extraction of reduced iron from rocks. This type of ecosystem illustrates key factors that control the distribution of chemolithotrophs in cold volcanic environments. The data show that one promising sample type for which the hypothesis of the existence of past life on Mars can be tested is the surface of volcanic rocks that, previously, were situated within channels carved by flowing water. Our results also show that the carbonaceous signatures of life, if life had occurred, could be found in or on these rocks.

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Ritrýndar greinar

Quality characteristics and consumer acceptance of a high fish protein puffed corn-fish snack

Corn snack fortified with 7% fish protein powder made from saithe (Pollachius Virens) surimi was selected by expert panel from industry for consumer studies in Iran and Iceland. They hedonically screened products with 3%, 5%, 7% and 9% fish protein powder. Snack containing 9% fish protein powder (FP) had significantly lower liking for odour, texture, flavour, and overall acceptability than the other three prototypes. Snacks fortified with 3%, 5%, and 7% FP had similar sensory attributes. Therefore, snack with the highest level of FP (7%) was selected for acceptance tests. It was seasoned with cheese powder, vegetable oil, salt, and colorant. The amount of protein, moisture, fat, ash and salt in fortified corn snack (FCS) was 12%, 2%, 31%, 3%, and 2% respectively. Consumers’ acceptance was studied using a central location test method. Consumers were 6–16 years old children in two communities (Iceland and Iran). They liked FCS but Iranian children favoured it more than Icelandic children. Majority of parents of the participants expressed their willingness to choose this product when buying snacks.

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Ritrýndar greinar

Bacterial diversity of terrestrial crystalline volcanic rocks, Iceland

Bacteria inhabiting crystalline rocks from two terrestrial Icelandic volcanic lava flows of similar age and from the same geographical region, but differing in porosity and mineralogy, were characterised. Microarray (PhyloChip) and clone library analysis of 16S rRNA genes revealed the presence of a diverse assemblage of bacteria in each lava flow. Both methods suggested a more diverse community at the Dómadalshraun site (rhyolitic/andesitic lava flow) than that present at the Hnausahraun site (basaltic lava flow). Proteobacteria dominated the clone library at the Dómadalshraun site, while Acidobacteria was the most abundant phylum in the Hnausahraun site. Although analysis of similarities of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis profiles suggested a strong correlation of community structure with mineralogy, rock porosity may also play an important role in shaping the bacterial community in crystalline volcanic rocks. Clone sequences were most similar to uncultured microorganisms, mainly from soil environments. Of these, Antarctic soils and temperate rhizosphere soils were prominent, as were clones retrieved from Hawaiian and Andean volcanic soils. The novel diversity of these Icelandic microbial communities was supported by the finding that up to 46% of clones displayed <85% sequence identities to sequences currently deposited in the RDP database.

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Comparison of Campylobacter jejuni isolates from human, food, veterinary and environmental sources in Iceland using PFGE, MLST and fla-SVR sequencing

Aims: Campylobacter jejuni isolates from various sources in Iceland were genotyped with the aim of assessing the genetic diversity, population structure, source distribution and campylobacter transmission routes to humans.

Methods and Results: A collection of 584 Campylobacter isolates were collected from clinical cases, food, animals and environment in Iceland in 1999–2002, during a period of national Campylobacter epidemic in Iceland. All isolates were characterized by pulse field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), and selected subset of 52 isolates representing the diversity of the identified PFGE types was further genotyped using multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and fla-SVR sequencing to gain better insight into the population structure.

Conclusions: The results show a substantial diversity within the Icelandic Campylobacter population. Majority of the human Campylobacter infections originated from domestic chicken and cattle isolates. MLST showed the isolates to be distributed among previously reported and common sequence type complexes in the MLST database.

Significance and Impact of the Study: The genotyping of Campylobacter from various sources has not previously been reported from Iceland, and the results of the study gave a valuable insight into the population structure of Camp. jejuni in Iceland, source distribution and transmission routes to humans. The geographical isolation of Iceland in the north Atlantic provides new information on Campylobacter population dynamics on a global scale.

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Eiginleikar sölva. Áhrif staðsetningar og árstíma / Properties of dulse. Influence of location and season




Þóra Valsdóttir, Karl Gunnarsson

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Þóra Valsdóttir


Eiginleikar sölva. Áhrif staðsetningar og árstíma / Properties of dulse. Influence of location and season

Þessi skýrsla greinir frá niðurstöðum rannsóknar á sölvum sem var safnað frá júní til október 2010 á tveimur ólíkum vaxtarstöðum sölva, á klettaog hnullufjöru (Bolaklettar) og á áreyrum (Fossárvík). Markmið var að fá áreiðanlegar upplýsingar um áhrif staðsetningar og árstíma á útlit, næringargildi, magn snefilefna og steinefna í sölvum á þessum stöðum. Áhrif árstíma og staðsetningar mældust á flesta mæliþætti sem greindir voru, bæði samsetningu og eiginleika. Hversu mikill breytileikinn er, er misjafnt eftir um hvaða þátt er að ræða. Í sumum tilfellum getur það skipt verulegu máli og því mikilvægt að safna sölvum á þeim stöðum og tíma ársins sem hagstæðast er.

Dulse was collected from June to October 2010 at two different locations, rocky shore and at sandbank were the sea was mixed with fresh water. The aim was to collect data on the influence of location and season on the appearance and chemical composition of dulse. Significant differences were found on several attributes. Knowledge of the variability in i.e. colour and protein content assist processors in selecting the most favourable raw material for their product.

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Málþing um matþörunga 26. febrúar 2011. Greinargerð / Symposium on seaweed for food February 26th 2011. Summary




Þóra Valsdóttir, Karl Gunnarsson, Róbert A. Stefánsson, Rósa Jónsdóttir

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Þóra Valsdóttir


Málþing um matþörunga 26. febrúar 2011. Greinargerð / Symposium on seaweed for food February 26th 2011. Summary

Opið málþing, Forðabúr fjörunnar, var haldið í Stykkishólmi í febrúar 2011 í því markmiði að hvetja til aukinnar nýtingar þörunga hér við land, tengja saman þá aðila sem hafa verið að vinna á þessu sviði og fá fram hugmyndir að aðgerðum og verkefnum sem stuðla að framþróun í þörungavinnslu. Á málþinginu voru m.a. kynntar niðurstöður nýlegra rannsókna á sviði matþörunga, fyrirtæki kynntu sig og hvatt var til umræðna um tækifæri og stefnumörkun í tengslum við nýtingu á matþörungum við Íslandsstrendur. Tæplega 50 þátttakendur voru á málþinginu og sköpuðust fjölbreyttar umræður. Á málþinginu kom m.a. fram tillaga að stofnun hagsmunasamtaka aðila sem starfa í þörungaiðnaði sem hefði m.a. það hlutverk að stuðla að öflun og miðlun þekkingar og reynslu til og milli félagsmanna.

Symposium on utilisation of seaweed for food was held in Stykkishólmur February 26th 2011. The aim of the symposium was to encourage utilisation of seaweed in Iceland, give stakeholders opportunity to meet and elicit ideas for actions and projects which can contribute to further development of the seaweed industry in Iceland. At the symposium results from recent research on seaweed and seaweed companies were presented. Opportunities and strategy for improved utilisation and value of seaweed were discussed. The first step in establishing Icelandic seaweed consortium was taken.

Skoða skýrslu


Effect of temperature control on the efficiency of modified atmosphere packaging of cod loins in bulk




Hélène L. Lauzon, Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir, Magnea G. Karlsdóttir, Eyjólfur Reynisson, Björn Margeirsson, Emilía Martinsdóttir

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EU IP Chill‐on (contract FP6‐016333‐2)


Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir


Effect of temperature control on the efficiency of modified atmosphere packaging of cod loins in bulk

Markmið tilraunarinnar var að bera saman ferskleika, gæði og geymsluþol undirkældra (CBC) þorskhnakka við geymslu í lofti og í loftskiptum pakkningum (MAP) við stýrt hitastig til að líkja eftir hitasveiflum við flutninga og dreifingu á Evrópumarkaði. Fylgst var með breytingum á samsetningu gassins í pakkningunum og gert skynmat og örveru‐  og efnamælingar. Fiskurinn var veiddur í botnvörpu að vorlagi og unninn þremur dögum frá veiði. Tveggja daga lenging varð á ferskleikatímabili og eins dags á geymsluþoli fisks í loftskiptum pakkningum (2,7 kg í bakka) miðað við loft (3,1 kg) í frauðplasti þrátt fyrir að 0.5 °C munur hafi verið á meðalhitastigi hópanna og var lofthópurinn geymdur við lægra hitastig  (‐0.3 ± 0.9 °C). Mestu hitasveiflurnar leiddu til mestrar styttingar á ferskleika‐ tíma í loftskiptum pakkningum. Þorskhnakkar sem geymdir voru undirkældir við ‐1.1 ± 0.1 °C höfðu 13 daga geymsluþol. Niðurstöður örverutalninga og efnamælinga sýndu hversu mikilvæg Photobacterium phosphoreum er við TMA‐myndun í skemmdarferli þorskhnakka við geymslu bæði í lofti og loftskiptum pakkningum. MAP og undirkæling hægðu á og breyttu skemmdarferlinu. MAP jók drip um 2% á seinni stigum geymslunnar.

The aim of this study was to compare freshness, quality deterioration and shelf life of CBC (combined blast and contact)‐treated cod loins packaged in bulk under different atmospheres (air or modified atmosphere, MA) and stored under different temperature profiles to mimic temperature changes during transport and distribution to European markets. Sensory, chemical, microbial and headspace gas composition analyses were performed regularly. The fish was caught by trawler in the spring and processed 3 days post catch. Following simulation of current sea freight conditions and distribution to European markets, a 2‐day and 1‐day increase in freshness period and shelf life of MA‐packaged fish (2.7 kg in trays), respectively, was observed compared to air‐stored loins (3.1 kg in EPS boxes). This is despite a mean product temperature difference of 0.5 °C between the products, being lower (‐0.3 ± 0.9 °C) for air‐stored fish. Abusive conditions had the greatest impact on the reduction of the freshness period for MAP fish. Superchilled storage of MAP loins (‐1.1 ± 0.1 °C) resulted in a 13‐day shelf life. Evaluation of microbial and chemical indicators emphasised the importance of Photobacterium phosphoreum and TMA formation in the deterioration of cod loins stored in air or MA, while superchilled MAP storage delayed as well as modified the spoilage pattern. MAP increased drip loss by about 2% at late storage.

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Áhrif þurrkaðferða á eiginleika sölva / Influence of drying methods on the properties of dulse




Þóra Valsdóttir, Irek Klonowski

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Þóra Valsdóttir


Áhrif þurrkaðferða á eiginleika sölva / Influence of drying methods on the properties of dulse

Þekking á breytum sem stýra gæðum og eiginleikum þurrkaðra sölva (Palmaria palmata) er tiltölulega lítil og á fárra vitorði. Ef auka á nýtingu og breikka notkunarmöguleika á sölvum er mikilvægt er að rannsaka nánar þessar breytur og skjalfesta þær. Þessi skýrsla greinir frá niðurstöðum tilrauna sem höfðu það að meginmarkmiði að bera saman áhrif þriggja ólíkra þurrkaðferða á næringargildi og eðliseiginleika þurrkaðra sölva. Þurrkunaraðferðirnar sem voru bornar saman voru sólþurrkun, ofnþurrkun og frostþurrkun auk þess að áhrif verkunar á sólþurrkuðu sölin voru metin. Sambærilegar breytingar mældust á næringarefnum eftir þurrkaðferð. Helsti munur m.t.t. þurrkaðferða greindist í magni C-vítamíns. Þá var sjáanlegur munur á lit og áferð. Bragðeiginleikar voru ekki mældir en talið er að einhvern mun sé þar að finna. Þrátt fyrir að niðurstöðurnar hafi gefið ákveðin svör þá vöknuðu margar spurningar við túlkun á þeim. Þörf er því talin á því að afla meiri þekkingar á eiginleikum sölva og samspili þeirra við mismunandi vinnsluþætti.

The influence of three different drying methods on selected nutritional and physiochemical properties of dulse were compared; sun drying, oven drying and freeze drying. Similar influence was found on nutritional components. The main difference was found on C-vitamin retention. Difference was found as well in colour and texture. Flavour characteristics were not analysed, however some differences are expected. Despite giving some answers, the results raised many questions on their interpretation. There is a need for extended knowledge on the properties of dulse and their interplay with different processing parameters.

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