
Bestun á blæðingu laxfiska og áhrif þess á afurðagæði og umhverfi




Gunnar Þórðarson, Hildur Inga Sveinsdóttir, Sigurjón Arason

Styrkt af:

Umhverfissjóður sjókvíaeldis (ANR18011143), Rannís


Gunnar Þórðarson


Bestun á blæðingu laxfiska og áhrif þess á afurðagæði og umhverfi

Mikil reynsla og þekking er í bestun á blæðingu á þorski, en blóðleifar í flökum eru álitin gæðavandamál; bæði hvað varðar útlit og eins valda blóðleifar þránun við geymslu. Eitt af markmiðum verkefnisins var að besta blæðingu laxfiska en ekki tókst að ljúka því þar sem framhaldsstyrkur fékkst ekki. 

Laxeldi er umhverfisvæn próteinframleiðsla og mikilvægt að lágmarka umhverfisáhrif framleiðslunnar. Eitt af markmiðum verkefnisins var að þróa búnað til að hreinsa vinnsluvatn áður en því er skilað út í náttúruna. Nýr búnaður hefur verið settur upp hjá Arnarlaxi, en fyrirtækið er samstarfsaðili verkefnisins.

Unnið var að frumathugunum til að þróa verðmæti til framtíðar úr efnum í vinnsluvatni og verður það verkefni framtíðar að klára þá vinnu.   

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Ritrýndar greinar

Valorisation of frozen cod (Gadus morhua) heads, captured by trawl and longline by the oceanic fleet, by enzymatic hydrolysis

In the Norwegian oceanic fleet, whitefish onboard processing creates a great amount of rest raw materials. Cod heads are nutritious and a good source for production of high-quality marine peptides. Frozen cod heads, captured by trawl or longline, were evaluated based on the lightness and redness in the neck cut to compare the quality in heads from the different fishing gears. The heads were subjected to enzymatic hydrolysis. The hydrolysates have been chemically and sensory characterized. There was no significant difference in quality or chemical and sensory characteristics based on type of fishing gear. The resulting hydrolysates were of high quality, although moderately bitter. The study demonstrates that frozen cod heads from the oceanic fleet can be an excellent source of high-quality proteins for human consumption.

Hlekkur að grein


Roadmap for the value chain of cod, salmon and char




Marvin Ingi Einarsson, Sigurjón Arason

Styrkt af:

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland

Roadmap for the value chain of cod, salmon and char

The objective of this work is to discuss Iceland’s fishing and fish farming industries and approach the challenges there are and report on what has been done to meet those challenges. The main focus of this work will be on creating roadmaps for the supply chain of cod and the supply chain of salmon and arctic char and identify the obstacles these industries have faced. From fishing/farming to the consumer. This roadmap will show how and where increased value can be made using real examples from Iceland, shed light on critical factors affecting the quality and highlight the obstacles hindering further growth and development.

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Fish oils as a part of wood varnish and protection




Ásbjörn Jónsson, Tryggvi Pétursson

Styrkt af:

AVS rannsóknasjóður í sjávarútvegi (R17 002-1)

Fiskolíur sem hluti af viðarvörn / Fish oils as a part of wood varnish and protection.

Fiskolíur voru notaðar sem viðarvörn fyrr á öldum og reyndust vel. Þekking á fiskolíum sem hluta af viðarvörn hefur hins vegar mikið til glatast. En með auknum áhuga almennings á afturhvarfi til eldri tíma og hráefna, sem og í tengslum við betri þekkingu á gömlum aðferðum, skapast lag til að nýta til verulega aukinna verðmæta, fiskolíur sem nú falla í „úrgangsflokk“ seljast á hrakvirði. Til að svo megi verða þarf hins vegar að leysa ýmis framleiðslu- og vöruþróunarvandamál. Með það í huga var stofnað til verkefnisins „Fiskolíur sem hluti af viðarvörn“ sem styrkt var af AVS sjóðnum. Markmið verkefnisins var að þróa afurð úr fiskolíum til notkunar sem hluta af viðarvörn, ásamt því að ákvarða framleiðsluferla til að breyta óhreinu hrálýsi í verðmæta viðarolíu.

Niðurstöður verkefnisins leiddu í ljós að fiskolíur og olíur úr uppsjávarfiski henta vel sem viðarvörn, en sterín er hins vegar ekki hægt að nota þar sem það fellur út við herbergishita og blandast ekki öðrum hráefnum. Heimsmarkaður fyrir viðarvarnir var áætlaður um 200 milljarðar kr. árið 2016 (1.530 milljónir USD) og því ljóst að umtalsverð tækifæri geta verið í að nýta fiskolíur sem hluta af viðarvörn.

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Þróun geitfjárafurða – Matvæli




Ólafur Reykdal, Óli Þór Hilmarsson

Styrkt af:

Framleiðnisjóður landbúnaðarins


Ólafur Reykdal


Þróun geitfjárafurða – Matvæli

Í verkefninu voru geitfjárbændur aðstoðaðir við þróun á nýjum matvörum úr geitahráefnum. Vöruþróunarátakið var kynnt meðal geitfjárbænda í samstarfi við Geitfjárræktarfélag Íslands. Geitfjár-bændur gátu sótt um þátttöku en starfsmenn Matís völdu 5 bændur til að halda áfram. Starfsmenn Matís veittu aðstoð við leyfismál, gerð gæðahandbóka og allt vöruþróunarferlið. Gengið var úr skugga um öryggi afurðanna með örverugreiningum og næringarefni voru mæld til að hægt væri að setja fram upplýsingar um næringargildi. 17 matvörur voru þróaðar í verkefninu, flestar úr geitakjöti, en einnig vörur úr lifur og hjörtum ásamt geitamjólkurskyri. Reiknað er með að verkefnið leiði til fjölgunar matvara úr geitahráefnum á markaði og það muni smám saman leiða til fjölgunar í geita-stofninum. 

Auk vöruþróunar voru gerðar mælingar á tegundum kaseina (ostefna) í geitamjólk. Kaseingerðin alfa-s1 greindist í umtals-verðum mæli og má af því draga þær ályktanir að íslensk geitamjólk henti vel til ostagerðar. Einnig voru gerðar mælingar á steinefnum í geitamjólk og snefilsteinefnum í kiðakjöti. Niðurstöður fyrir þessi næringarefni nýtast við kynningu á hollustu afurðanna.

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Nýting og næringargildi íslensks alifuglakjöts




Ólafur Reykdal, Óli Þór Hilmarsson

Styrkt af:

Framleiðnisjóður landbúnaðarins, Matfugl ehf, Reykjagarður hf, Ísfugl ehf


Ólafur Reykdal


Nýting og næringargildi íslensks alifuglakjöts

Markmið verkefnisins var að bæta upplýsingar um nýtingu og næringargildi kjúklinga og kalkúna sem framleiddir eru á Íslandi og styrkja þannig stöðu búgreinarinnar í samkeppni við innflutning. Með nákvæmnisúrbeiningu voru fundin hlutföll einstakra kjúklinga- og kalkúnahluta. Efnamælingar voru gerðar á þeim þáttum sem þarf fyrir næringargildismerkingar. Að auki voru gerðar mælingar á steinefnum og vítamínum í völdum kjúklingahlutum. Í ljós kom að íslenskir kjúklingar eru nú fituminni, með minna af mettuðum fitusýrum og orkuminni en áður var samkvæmt samanburði við gömul gildi í ÍSGEM gagnagrunninum. Styrkur nokkurra steinefna og vítamína í kjúklingakjöti var það hár að hægt er að bæta þeim í næringargildismerkingu. Niðurstöður fyrir næringarefni nýtast við uppfærslu ÍSGEM gagnagrunnsins og upplýsingar um nýtingu verða hluti af Kjötbókinni og nýtast kjötiðnaði og kjötkaupendum.  

The purpose was to obtain new data for dissection yields and nutrient value of Icelandic chicken and turkey and by this strengthen the position of the poultry production in Iceland. Detailed dissection yields were determined for several chicken and turkey parts. Nutrients were analysed for nutrient declarations. Additionally, minerals and vitamins were analysed in selected products. Fat, saturated fat and energy in chicken meat were lower than reported earlier. The concentrations of some of the minerals and vitamins were high enough to allow nutrient declaration. The nutrient data are made available in the ISGEM database. The dissection yield data will be available in the Icelandic Meat Book and will be important for the meat industry and meat buyers. 

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Quality optimization of frozen redfish products




Ásbjörn Jónsson, Cecile Dargentolle, Huong Thi Thu Dang, Magnea Karlsdóttir, María Guðjónsdóttir, Sigurjón Arason

Styrkt af:

AVS R&D Fund (R 029-15)


Sigurjón Arason


Hámörkun gæða frosinna karfaafurða / Quality optimization of frozen redfish products

The aim of the study was twofold. Firstly, to explore the influence of time and temperature during frozen storage on lipid deterioration of red fish. That was done by comparing the effect of temperature fluctuation and abuse during frozen storage, as can be expected during transportation, on the physicochemical characteristics and lipid stability of redfish fillets. Secondly, to investigate the effect of 4 days postcatch and 9 days postcatch, and seasonal variation on the quality and storage stability of frozen red fish.

Storage temperature and storage time affected the physical- and chemical properties in redfish, e.g free fatty acids, TBARS and TVB-N. Season of capture affected both the nutritional value and stability of golden redfish. The light muscle of fish caught in November was richer in EPA and DHA than in the fish caught in June. The fish caught in November was also more unstable through frozen storage, due to a more unsaturated nature of the fatty acids present, indicating that special care needs to be applied during handling and treatment of golden redfish caught at this time. The light muscle had a higher nutritional value than the dark muscle and is a good nutritional source for human consumption. However, the dark muscle was prone to lipid oxidation which may have a negative influence on the more valuable light muscle. So there seems to be need to separate them.

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Undesirable substances in seafood – results from the Icelandic marine monitoring activities in the year 2019




Sophie Jensen, Natasa Desnica, Branka Borojevic, Svanhildur Hauksdóttir, Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir

Styrkt af:

Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture, Iceland


Sophie Jensen


Niðurstöður sívirkrar vöktunar á óæskilegum efnum í sjávarfangi úr auðlindinni 2019 / Undesirable substances in seafood – results from the Icelandic marine monitoring activities in the year 2019

This report summarises the results obtained in 2019 for the screening of various undesirable substances in the edible part of Icelandic marine catches.

The main aim of this project is to gather data and evaluate the status of Icelandic seafood products in terms of undesirable substances and to utilise the data to estimate the exposure of consumers to these substances from Icelandic seafood and risks related to public health. The surveillance programme began in 2003 and was carried out for ten consecutive years before it was interrupted. The project was revived in March 2017 to fill in gaps of knowledge regarding the level of undesirable substances in economically important marine catches for Icelandic export. Due to financial limitations the surveillance now only covers screening for undesirable substances in the edible portion of marine catches for human consumption and not feed or feed components. The limited financial resources have also required the analysis of PAHs, PBDEs and PFCs to be excluded from the surveillance, providing somewhat more limited information than in 2013. However, it is considered a long-term project where extension and revision is constantly necessary. 

In general, the results obtained in 2019 were in agreement with previous results on undesirable substances in the edible part of marine catches obtained in the monitoring years 2003 to 2012 and 2017 & 2018.

In this report from the surveillance programme, the maximum levels for dioxins, dioxin-like PCBs and non-dioxin-like PCBs in foodstuffs (Regulation No 1259/2011) were used to evaluate how Icelandic seafood products measure up to limits currently in effect.

The results show that in regard to the maximum levels set in the regulation, the edible parts of Icelandic seafood products contain negligible amounts of dioxins, dioxin like and non-dioxin-like PCBs. In fact, all samples of seafood analysed in 2019 were below EC maximum levels.

Furthermore, the concentration of ICES6-PCBs was found to be low in the edible part of the marine catches, compared to the maximum limits set by the EU (Commission Regulation 1259/2011).

The results also revealed that the concentrations of heavy metals, e.g. cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg) in the edible part of marine catches were in all samples, except one, well below the maximum limits set by the EU.

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NordMar Plastic RISK: Socioeconomic risks of plastic to the bioeconomy – Icelandic case study




Hrönn Ólína Jörundsdóttir, Gunnar Þórðarson, Bryndís Björnsdóttir

Styrkt af:

Nordic Council of Ministers

NordMar Plastic RISK: Socioeconomic risks of plastic to the bioeconomy – Icelandic case study

The risks related to plastic on the bioeconomy are not only biological, toxicological and chemical, but also societal and economical. Influence of tainted opinion on the Nordic environment or Nordic production could influence tourism, marketing and general wellbeing. The aim of the NordMar PlasticRISK project is to evaluate the diverse impact and main socioeconomic risks related to marine plastic pollution on the bioeconomy of the Nordic countries using Iceland as a case study. Two of the main industries in Iceland, the fishing industry and tourism, are heavily dependent on the bioeconomy as well as clean and pristine environment. Economical risks, followed by tainting the environment with visual plastic debris and macroplastic as well as unclear status of microplastic, is estimated to be high due to increased environmental awareness of consumers and tourists, where the main focus of tourist arriving to Iceland is to experience pristine environment. Several actions are suggested such as to evaluate and improve the Icelandic system for recycling of used fishing gear, evaluate further marketing options and value of advertising low and responsible plastic use in these two main industries and increase education on environmental issues in the School of navigation. 

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NordMar Plastic RISK: Socioeconomic risks of plastic to the bioeconomy – Icelandic case study. Executive summary.




Hrönn Ólína Jörundsdóttir, Gunnar Þórðarson, Bryndís Björnsdóttir

Styrkt af:

Nordic Council of Ministers

NordMar Plastic RISK: Socioeconomic risks of plastic to the bioeconomy – Icelandic case study. Executive summary.

The risks related to plastic on the bioeconomy are not only biological, toxicological and chemical, but also societal and economical. Influence of tainted opinion on the Nordic environment or Nordic production could influence tourism, marketing and general wellbeing. The aim of the NordMar PlasticRISK project is to evaluate the diverse impact and main socioeconomic risks related to marine plastic pollution on the bioeconomy of the Nordic countries using Iceland as a case study. Two of the main industries in Iceland, the fishing industry and tourism, are heavily dependent on the bioeconomy as well as clean and pristine environment. Economical risks, followed by tainting the environment with visual plastic debris and macroplastic as well as unclear status of microplastic, is estimated to be high due to increased environmental awareness of consumers and tourists, where the main focus of tourist arriving to Iceland is to experience pristine environment. Several actions are suggested such as to evaluate and improve the Icelandic system for recycling of used fishing gear, evaluate further marketing options and value of advertising low and responsible plastic use in these two main industries and increase education on environmental issues in the School of navigation. 

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