
Útrás Krakkar kokka: Aðlögun og prófun Verkefnis- og verklagslýsingar




Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir, Þóra Valsdóttir, Margrét Geirsdóttir

Styrkt af:

EEA Grants/Iceland Liechtenstein Norway grants/Bluegrowth Programme


Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir


Megin viðfangsefni verkefnisins BlueProject var verðmætasköpun úr vannýttu fisktegundinni “Sarrajão” (Sarda sarda), sem finnst undan ströndum Portúgals. Þessi fisktegund er hinsvegar ekki markaðssett í dag til manneldis þar sem hún hefur töluvert magn af beinum og þykkt roð sem erfitt er að fjarlægja. Hins vegar er næringargildi sarrajão töluvert hátt.

Aðkoma Matís að verkefninu var að styðja við að efla áhuga og fræðslu til næstu kynslóðar í átt að hollum og sjálfbærum matarvenjum í Portúgal. Þetta var framkvæmt með því að aðlaga verkefnis- og verklagslýsingu Krakkar Kokka (e. Kids Cuisine) sem byggir á skemmtimennt, og þá hugmyndafræði sem áður hefur verið þróuð, prófuð og innleidd í íslenskum grunnskólum (Krakkar Kokka: að almennari aðstæðum en þeim sem finnast á Íslandi t.d. hvað varðar þætti eins og loftslag og ræktunarmöguleika. Efnið var gefið út á ensku og portúgölsku, og hugmyndafræði Krakka Kokka innleidd í portúgalska grunnskóla.

Verkefnis- og verklagslýsing Krakkar kokka á ensku fyrir skóla, ásamt kynningarefni og leiðbeiningum er aðgengilegt á vefsíðu Matís: Verkefnið Blue Project (Bioeconomy, PeopLe, SUstainability, Health) var styrkt af EEA Grants/Iceland Liechtenstein Norway grants/Bluegrowth Programme. Það var tveggja ára samstarfsverkefni milli Matís, GUIMARPEIXE – Comércio de Produtos Alimentares, SA, Portugal TINTEX Textiles, SA, Portugal UNIVERSIDADE DO MINHO, Portugal INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO DE VIANA DO CASTELO, Portugal CÂMARA MUNICIPAL DE ESPOSENDE, Portugal AEP – Associação Empresarial de Portugal, CCI og Portugal VISUAL THINKING – Digital Organization, Lda, Portugal.

The BlueProject aim was to increase value creation, the sustainable growth of the blue economy, scientific research, and literacy in Blue Economy, based on the Marine Resources available on the North Atlantic Coast of Portugal. The focus was placed on the fish species “Sarrajão” (Sarda sarda), It is found by the Portuguese coast, but is not marketed today in Portucal for human consumption as it has considerable quantities of bones and a thick skin which is difficult to remove. However, its nutritional value is considerably high.

The main focus of Matis in the project, is to contribute to the engagement, education and empowerment of the next generation towards healthy and sustainable food habits in Portugal. This was done by adjusting the Krakkar Kokka (e. Kids Cuisine) edutainment concept, previously developed, tested and implemented in Icelandic compulsory schools (Krakkar Kokka: to more general situations compared to Iceland, e.g. regarding climate and agriculture. The edutainment material was published in English and Portuguese, and the Kids Cuisine concept implemented in Portuguese primary schools.

The Kids Cuisine Project and precedure description, introduction slides and guidelines are accessable via Matís website: The Blue Project (Bioeconomy, PeopLe, SUstainability, Health) was supported by EEA Grants/Iceland Liechtenstein Norway grants/Bluegrowth Programme. It was a two-year collaborative project between Matís, GUIMARPEIXE – Comércio de Produtos Alimentares, SA, Portugal TINTEX Textiles, SA, Portugal UNIVERSIDADE DO MINHO, Portugal INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO DE VIANA DO CASTELO, Portugal CÂMARA MUNICIPAL DE ESPOSENDE, Portugal AEP – Associação Empresarial de Portugal, CCI and Portugal VISUAL THINKING – Digital Organization, Lda, Portugal.

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NordMar Plastic RISK: Socioeconomic risks of plastic to the bioeconomy – Icelandic case study




Hrönn Ólína Jörundsdóttir, Gunnar Þórðarson, Bryndís Björnsdóttir

Styrkt af:

Nordic Council of Ministers

NordMar Plastic RISK: Socioeconomic risks of plastic to the bioeconomy – Icelandic case study

The risks related to plastic on the bioeconomy are not only biological, toxicological and chemical, but also societal and economical. Influence of tainted opinion on the Nordic environment or Nordic production could influence tourism, marketing and general wellbeing. The aim of the NordMar PlasticRISK project is to evaluate the diverse impact and main socioeconomic risks related to marine plastic pollution on the bioeconomy of the Nordic countries using Iceland as a case study. Two of the main industries in Iceland, the fishing industry and tourism, are heavily dependent on the bioeconomy as well as clean and pristine environment. Economical risks, followed by tainting the environment with visual plastic debris and macroplastic as well as unclear status of microplastic, is estimated to be high due to increased environmental awareness of consumers and tourists, where the main focus of tourist arriving to Iceland is to experience pristine environment. Several actions are suggested such as to evaluate and improve the Icelandic system for recycling of used fishing gear, evaluate further marketing options and value of advertising low and responsible plastic use in these two main industries and increase education on environmental issues in the School of navigation. 

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NordMar Plastic RISK: Socioeconomic risks of plastic to the bioeconomy – Icelandic case study. Executive summary.




Hrönn Ólína Jörundsdóttir, Gunnar Þórðarson, Bryndís Björnsdóttir

Styrkt af:

Nordic Council of Ministers

NordMar Plastic RISK: Socioeconomic risks of plastic to the bioeconomy – Icelandic case study. Executive summary.

The risks related to plastic on the bioeconomy are not only biological, toxicological and chemical, but also societal and economical. Influence of tainted opinion on the Nordic environment or Nordic production could influence tourism, marketing and general wellbeing. The aim of the NordMar PlasticRISK project is to evaluate the diverse impact and main socioeconomic risks related to marine plastic pollution on the bioeconomy of the Nordic countries using Iceland as a case study. Two of the main industries in Iceland, the fishing industry and tourism, are heavily dependent on the bioeconomy as well as clean and pristine environment. Economical risks, followed by tainting the environment with visual plastic debris and macroplastic as well as unclear status of microplastic, is estimated to be high due to increased environmental awareness of consumers and tourists, where the main focus of tourist arriving to Iceland is to experience pristine environment. Several actions are suggested such as to evaluate and improve the Icelandic system for recycling of used fishing gear, evaluate further marketing options and value of advertising low and responsible plastic use in these two main industries and increase education on environmental issues in the School of navigation. 

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