
Discussion groups for Matís' research project

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We at Matís are looking for people to participate in discussion groups for research projects led by Matís experts. The discussions focus on diet, food, and food ingredients, and are part of a new research project funded by the European Union and based on collaboration between parties from several countries.

The purpose of the study is to obtain information about consumers' diets and insights into their attitudes towards various types of food and their ingredients. Participation in the study involves discussing the topic in a group of 4-6 people, and the discussions will be moderated by a Matís employee. In the discussion groups, participants will be asked about their diet and attitudes towards foods and ingredients of various kinds.

The discussions will be held through the Teams teleconferencing equipment. Participants must therefore have a computer or telephone at their disposal. Participants must also have an electronic ID. Assistance will be provided with technical problems via the Internet if necessary. The discussions are expected to last a maximum of two hours. Participants can send 5,000 ISK. commission after the forums.

The discussions will be recorded, both audio and video, and the results will be processed according to a methodology for qualitative research. The names of the participants, or other personal information, will not appear anywhere in the interpretation of the results, reports, articles or other material where the study will be discussed. Data processing will be in accordance with the Privacy Act.

The composition of individuals in the focus groups depends on various predetermined background factors and consumption behavior. If you are interested in participating in the discussion groups, you can click on the link below, which will take you to a short survey where you will be asked about the factors that determine the choice of participants. If you qualify, you will be asked to provide your name, phone number and email address at the end of the survey. You will soon be contacted about whether you are invited to participate, as well as the organization and timing of the discussion groups.