
A new platform for innovation and research in the South

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Orkídea is a collaborative project on innovation in the South under the auspices of Landsvirkjun, the Association of Southern Municipalities, the Agricultural University of Iceland and the Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture. 

Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir, who previously worked for Matís, most recently as head of the public health and food safety division, is research and development manager at Orkídeu.

The project is about building energy-related opportunities for the future in the South, for example in food production and biotechnology, sustainable use of resources, start-up activities and preparing areas to receive energy-related innovation.

Orkídeu is based in Selfoss, but more information can be found at 

Startup Orchid

Startup Orkídea is a joint project of Icelandic Startups and Orkídeu. It is a unique platform for the development of business ideas and innovative projects for more established companies working on sustainable solutions in the field of high-tech food production and biotechnology. 

The implementation of the project is in the hands of Icelandic Startups, which has for many years assisted entrepreneurs in speeding up the process from the time an idea ignites until business begins to flourish. Icelandic Startups works closely with entrepreneurs, universities, investors, the business community, interest groups and the public sector to strengthen entrepreneurship and build the innovation environment in Iceland.

Applications for Startup Orkidea are open until January 24, 2021.

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