
Viggó Þór Marteinsson has been promoted to the position of professor at the Faculty of Food and Nutrition

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On that occasion, we offer an event where the career of Viggós Þór will be discussed, but his research has mainly focused on different habitats of microorganisms; what microorganisms are present, where they come from, what they are doing and how.

These habitats range from environments related to food, such as fish and animal farming, their processing environment, the impact of micro-organisms on food and food safety, to an extreme environment, where no life thrives except micro-organisms. Examples of such peripheral areas are sea and land hot springs, underground ecosystems and lakes under glacial icebergs. Viggós' research has revolved around both basic and practical research.

The professor's lecture will be held on Wednesday 6 November at 15 in Læknagarður in room 201. After the lecture, refreshments will be served on the 4th floor of Læknagarður. Everyone is welcome.