
Seminar on microplastics and drug residues in the Icelandic environment

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Plastic debris pollutes the oceans from the coastal sea to the deepest depths of the ocean and this pollution is a growing problem. In recent years, the focus has also been on the environmental impact of drug use - how drug residues are released into the environment and distributed, their amount and impact.

In order to obtain clear information on the sources and emissions of microplastics and drug residues in Iceland, the Minister for the Environment and Natural Resources requested two summaries to that effect. The marine biotechnology center Biopol on Skagaströnd has now compiled information on the main sources of microplastics in Iceland and its channels to the sea, and Matís has compiled information on drug residues in the Icelandic environment, emissions into the environment and expected quantities and risks.

The results of these reports will be presented at a meeting on behalf of the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, which will take place in a meeting room on the ground floor of Skúlagata 4, on Thursday 31 October at 12: 00-12: 50. All are welcome.