
Múlinn cooperative house - Matís' new building in Neskaupstaður

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Transportation has begun at Matís' office in East Iceland. The four employees who work there are currently moving to a new building that has been named Múlinn samvinnuhús, but it was taken into use at the end of the year. 

This is a 900 square meter building by Nesbakki in Neskaupsstaður. The building, which partly housed the retail space, has been overhauled and an extension that accommodates a variety of commercial activities. The building is divided into an office cluster that will be used by many companies and institutions, in addition to which specialized laboratories and open spaces are under the same roof.

Matís will use a specialized laboratory for microbiological and chemical measurements as well as office space.

Múlinn samvinnuhús is owned by Samvinnufélag útgerðarmanna Neskaupstaður or SÚN and in addition to Matís are some of the companies that have secured facilities in the house Advania, Austurbrú, Deloitte, Hafrannsóknastofnun, Náttúrustofa Austurlands, Nox health, Origo, Rannsóknarstofa fyrir örveru- og línamjóllingar, Stapi Trackwell.