
Matís' new housing in East Iceland has come into use

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Matís' office in East Iceland has moved its operations to new premises at Bakkavegur 5 in Neskaupstaður. The building is called Múlinn-Samvinnuhús.

The building, which partly housed the retail space, has been overhauled and an extension that accommodates a variety of commercial activities. The building is divided into office clusters, specialized laboratories and open spaces, but in addition to Matís, Origo, Deloitte, Stapi Pension Fund, Advania, Hafró, Mast, Austurbrú, Nox health and Náttúrustofa Austurlands use their work facilities in Múlan. 

The office was closed for a two-week period during transport from 15 February to 26 February. At that time, the final touches were put on the installation of fittings, sinks and electricity in the space that Matís rents. In addition, staff used the time to put equipment and tools in place and perform measurements and tests on equipment to make sure everything worked as it should and in accordance with the requirements of the laboratory's accreditation body. 

Research was reopened at Matís in East Iceland on Monday 1 March, in time for the current capelin roe season, which is usually a busy time at the establishment.

The work facilities are all exemplary, as the pictures show.