Peer-reviewed articles

Flavor and quality characteristics of salted and desalted cod (Gadus morhua) produced by different salting methods

Authors: Rósa Jónsdóttir, Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir, Hannes Magnússon, Sigurjón Arason, Kristin Lauritzsen, Kristín Anna Thórarinsdóttir

Version: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

Publication year: 2011


Flavor characterization and quality of salt-cured and desalted cod (Gadus morhua) products was studied using sensory analysis and gas chromatography techniques. The products were produced in Iceland using two different processing methods (filleting and splitting) and three different salting procedures, ie, the old single-step kench salting or a multistep procedure, and presalting (injection and brine salting or only brine salting), which was followed by kench salting. The main difference observed was between fillets and split fish, where the split fish was darker and had stronger flavor characteristics. Comparison of different salting procedures showed that the use of presalting improved the appearance of the salted products, which can be described as increased lightness and reduced yellowness of the products. In the same products, the intensity of curing flavors was milder, as described by sensory analysis and key aroma compounds. Derivatives from lipid and protein degradation contribute to the characteristic flavor of the salted products.

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