
Discardless final meeting

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Jónas Rúnar Viðarsson

Director of Business and Development

The project DiscardLess formally ended recently with the final meeting of the project held in the premises DTU in Lyngby in Denmark. The project lasted for four years and a total of 31 companies and institutions from 12 countries took part in it.

The main goal DiscardLess was facilitating the implementation of a ban on discards that the European Union has been trying to impose for the last four years, with limited success. At the beginning of 2019, the discard ban was to be fully implemented in all sea areas covered by the European Union's Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), but it is clear that the ban can still be considered far-reaching. was aimed. Among the participants in the project were the companies Matís, SkipaSýn, Hampiðjan and Marel, and no country had as many representatives as Iceland in the project. The DiscardLess project focused, among other things, on countries that already have experience of dumping bans, with a view to trying to share their experiences, and it is clear that Iceland is being looked at in this regard.

The meeting covered the main phases of the project, obstacles and the next steps.

Here you can access the presentations and results that were presented at the final meeting.