
Up to the waist in the catch

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Jónas Rúnar Viðarsson

Director of Business and Development

Here before, it was considered a sign of great catch claw and good catch to come ashore with so much catch that people could not get around the deck themselves without wading fish up to the waist. Fortunately, this has changed considerably in recent years, as fishermen are more aware of the importance of good handling of our precious seafood. 

The National Association of Small Boat Owners (LS) and Matís have in recent years been responsible for an effort where small boat fishermen are encouraged to take good care of all catches. A special project, Beautiful Fish, was tailored around this effort but on Facebook page of the project people share pictures that show different treatment of catch. It is safe to say that the beautiful fish has attracted attention. 

Most recently, all small boat fishermen received a thermometer as a gift along with a booklet from LS and Matís. A good package therefore found about 1000 small boat sailors, all around the country. 

The purpose of the project - the importance of good handling of catch

For many reasons, small boat owners have a unique opportunity to gain a unique position in the markets with their products. By drawing attention to the improved handling of catches, special attention is being paid to the possibility of increasing quality through cooling, not least due to the short time from fishing to processing, which is one of the characteristics of the small boat industry. 

The gift is intended for small boat owners, who want the fish markets that are landed at to record the temperature of the catch at auction. 

In the ever-increasing competition in the markets and the increased consumer awareness, the opportunities of the small boat industry are obvious. The freshness of the raw material, the environmental impact of the fishing and the image that small boat fishing has for consumers are paramount, but in order to take advantage of these competitive advantages, it is necessary to ensure maximum product quality.