
Fish oil is made from pelagic fish

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Margildi specializes in the processing of fish oil and Omega-3 for human consumption, with an emphasis on products made from capelin, herring and mackerel. The company received a grant from the AVS fund to handle marketing of fish oil from pelagic fish in collaboration with Matís, the University of Akureyri and HB Grandi.

A lot has happened in the project "Marketing at Marlys" and the work is to further support Margildi's operations. Mike O´Shea has been hired as sales and marketing manager at the company. He has over 25 years of international experience in sales and marketing management, product and business development in the field of fish oil and Omega-3.

Margildi_Conference_LoResMultiplicity in one conference 

Margildi has been promoting its production at foreign exhibitions in recent months, most notably VitaFoods in Geneva and Supplyside West in Las Vegas. Margildi also took part in the exhibition Food and Innovation in Sjávarklasan and also in the Family Technology Day which is held by Verkmenntaskóli Austurlands og Austurbrú.

Margildi has developed a new method for processing fish oil from the above-mentioned fish species,
so-called rapid-cooling technology, which is patented.

Margildi has prepared promotional material for exhibitions in collaboration with Matís and the University of Akureyri is currently working on a market analysis of the fish market for Margildi, which will be useful to the company in its marketing work.

In the future, there are consumer surveys for Marlysið in collaboration with Matís, and fish oil has already been produced that will be used in that work.

More information can be found at Margildi's website.