
Do not get confused! Matís is not Matvís who is not MAST… ..

Service Category:


Not only are the names of these units chemically similar, but their subject matter is in many respects the same; food! So it's not at all strange that people get confused. And to add gray on top of black, they are based or have a branch in almost the same area in Reykjavík.

MAST (Matvælastofnun): Matvælastofnun provides administration, control, education and services to fisheries, agriculture, companies and consumers in order to promote animal health and welfare, plant health and safety, health and quality of food. Location: Selfoss, a district of veterinarians nationwide and at Stórhöfði 23. Home page:

Matvís: MATVÍS is an association of craftsmen in the food and restaurant industry, ie bakers, cake makers, waiters, butchers, chefs, students and others who work with serving, cooking and selling food and the association decides to accept. Location: Stórhöfði 31. Home page:

Matís (Matvælarannsóknir Íslands): Matís is a knowledge company that carries out diverse research, service and innovation work in the food and biotechnology industry. Matís provides advice and services to companies in the fisheries and agriculture sectors, as well as the Icelandic state. For example, Matís is involved in the development of new products and processes for companies and has an important role to play in terms of food quality and safety. Matís has no supervisory role. Location: Vínlandsleið 12 and in several places in the countryside. Home page: