
Skin care research

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Due to a coverage of skin products from the company Villimey that appeared in DV yesterday, 16 December 2016, Matís would like to state the following:

In a news item that Matís published on its website on 1 September. is an inaccurate wording, but part of the news can be understood in the sense that Matís has studied the effectiveness of skin care products on bodily functions.

Regarding the conduct of the research in question, it is correct that herbs in aqueous solution (plant extract) with herbs used in Villimey's skin products were tested in various skin cell tests and connective tissue tests. Such tests provide evidence of the activity of various substances in the skin and connective tissue cells. The relevant cell assays measured collagen levels and the levels of the enzymes elastase, metal proteinase 1, metal proteinase 2 and metal proteinase 9.

The tests showed that the herbs inhibited the synthesis of the enzymes. The tests also showed an increase in the amount of collagen in skin cells. There was also activity in healing files in cell epithelium with the so-called "Scratch wound healing" test (filament healing test) as well as antioxidant effect.

Matís regrets having sent a text that contained inaccurate wording and apologizes for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Further information is provided by Sveinn Margeirsson, CEO of Matís.