
Jón Gerald Sullenberg in Kosti is welcome to do business with Matís

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Due to an article published in Morgunblaðið, where the owner of Kost discusses food control in Iceland, Matís wants to state the following:

Food control in Iceland is in the hands of the Municipal Health Inspectorate (HES). Supervision and coordination of these inspections is in the hands of the Food Administration (

Matís ( is a powerful knowledge company that engages in diverse research, service and innovation in the food industry. Matís has no role in food control other than that the company can, in an independent manner, examine food samples for regulators, institutions, companies and individuals. For example, Matís can investigate whether foods contain contaminants or other undesirable substances, whether foods contain the substances that are said to be present in them and whether there is any special activity (bioactivity) in food products or ingredients.

But Jón Gerald is always welcome to do business with Matís and we have already invited him to collaborate on measurements of fruit and vegetables that Kostur imports from the United States.

Jón Gerald has already corrected the confusion, but it is not out of the question to shed further light on Matís' operations and how it is not related to food control in Iceland.

For further information Steinar B. Aðalbjörnsson, marketing director of Matís